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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for August 1, 2022 <br />Page 7 of 9 <br /> <br /> <br />Development Director Rachel Juba explained the lot had existing drainage and utility easements <br />on the property that were dedicated as part of the Prairie Village 3rd Addition final plat. The <br />applicant wanted to install a pool on the property. The Senior Engineering Technician had <br />reviewed the request and determined that five feet of the easement could be vacated. The <br />applicant was also requesting an encroachment agreement for a fence that would be located in <br />the easement area. <br /> <br />Mayor Weidt opened the public hearing. There were no comments, and he closed the public <br />hearing. <br /> <br />Petryk made motion, Klein seconded, to approve the notice to vacate a portion of the drainage <br />and utility easement and approve RESOLUTION 2022-46 APPROVING AN <br />ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A FENCE AND <br />CONCRETE WITHIN A DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT ON THE PROPERTY <br />LOCATED AT 4635 ETHAN TRAIL NORTH. <br /> <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br /> Oneka Prairie Sketch Plan <br /> <br />Southwind Builders, LLC had requested the review of a sketch plan for a residential <br />development with 59 lots and a small neighborhood park. The property was located north of the <br />Oneka Place development at the end of Oneka Parkway. The property was currently vacant, <br />relatively flat, and has some site constraints due to wetlands. The applicant was requesting <br />receive feedback on the project in regards to general layout, lot sizes, setbacks, and road <br />construction. <br /> <br />Community Development Director Rachel Juba explained property was zoned Future Urban <br />Service and was guided as low density residential in the 2040 Land Use Plan. The allowed net <br />density was up to four units per acre with a PUD. The development was proposed to be 2.8 units <br />per acre, which met the density requirements. The parcel to be developed would be 24.83 acres <br />with 3.66 acres of wetland. <br /> <br />The applicant was asking for flexibility from the zoning code through a Planned Unit <br />Development for lot size, lot width, and setbacks. In exchange, the applicant would have a <br />stormwater reuse system for irrigation and would be responsible for the cost and installation of <br />the playground equipment, shelter, and sidewalk. A wetland was also shown on the proposed <br />park, and Juba explained wetlands were not given credit for park dedication. Juba reviewed park <br />dedication requirements saying the applicant was required to dedicate 2.14 acres of buildable <br />land or pay $200,600. The developer was proposing to dedicate a .66-acre tot lot and pay <br />$146,420. The Park Commission recommended approval of this at their July 20, 2022, meeting. <br /> <br />Juba explained there would be sewer and water from the south, and a trunk lift station would be <br />located somewhere on the proposed Oneka Parkway. There had been discussions with the <br />applicant on Oneka Parkway only extending 700 feet to the north. They stated that with the <br />development being small, if they had to extend the road to 165th Street, the project would not be