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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for August 15, 2022 <br />Page 3 of 10 <br /> <br /> <br />Approve Resolution for No Parking on West Side of Finale Ave. Between Upper 146th and <br />147th Streets <br /> <br />Staff had observed parking on the west side of Finale Avenue between Upper 146th and 147th <br />Streets. There was adequate parking within the Jack Pine Place Apartment facilities to <br />accommodate parking needs. Bump outs had been provided on the east side of Finale Avenue <br />for parking as well as a lot located in the northwest corner of Lion’s Volunteer Park. Finale <br />Avenue is a state aid roadway and did not meet the required width for parking along the <br />roadway, which was why the bump out parking was provided on the east side of Finale <br />Avenue. Staff recommended approval of a no parking resolution for the west side of Finale <br />Avenue between Upper 146th Street and 147th Street. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />RESOLUTION 2022-47 RESTRICTING PARKING ALONG THE WEST SIDE OF FINALE <br />AVENUE FROM UPPER 146TH STREET TO 147TH STREET. <br /> <br />Approve Resolution for No Parking on South Side of Upper 146th Street Between Finale <br />and Fitzgerald Avenue <br /> <br />Upper 146th Street between Finale Avenue and Fitzgerald Avenue is 24-feet in width with head- <br />in parking provided along the north side of the roadway. To accommodate thru traffic on Upper <br />146th Street, staff had recommended approval of the no parking resolution for the south side of <br />Upper 146th Street between Finale Avenue and Fitzgerald Avenue. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2022-48 RESTRICTING PARKING ALONG THE SOUTH <br />SIDE OF UPPER 146TH STREET FROM FINALE AVENUE TO FITZGERALD AVENUE. <br /> <br />Approve WSB and Associates Proposal for Asbestos and Regulated Materials Assessment <br />at 6540 Greene Avenue North <br /> <br />In 2002, the City purchased the Bernin property at 6540 Greene Avenue North. Since then, the <br />City had leased the property to the Bernin family. The lease was set to expire on August 31, <br />2022. Staff had requested a quote from WSB & Associates to provide an Asbestos and Regulated <br />Materials Assessment report for the property. The report would provide the City with <br />information regarding any hazardous materials making up the structures on the property, which <br />include the house, garage, barn and several small shed structures. This report would be used to <br />provide direction for future decisions related to the structures. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved the proposal provided by WSB & Associates for the Asbestos and Regulated Materials <br />Assessment for the Bernin Property. <br /> <br />Approve Resolution Approving Variance for 13345 Homestead Avenue North-Watkins <br /> <br />Philip and Mary Watkins had requested three variances to construct a 1,120 square foot addition <br />to their 1,350 square foot attached garage. The first request was to allow 2,470 square feet for the <br />attached garage, where 1,113 square feet was allowed by ordinance. The second request was to <br />allow the rear yard setback to be 35 feet from the property line, where 40 feet was required by <br />ordinance. The third request was to allow the side yard setback to be 12 feet, where 20 feet was <br />required by ordinance. At its Thursday, August 11, 2022, meeting the Board of Zoning held a <br />public hearing to consider the request and unanimously recommended approval. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2022-49 APPROVING VARIANCES FOR PHILIP <br />AND MARY WATKINS IN THE RURAL RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT ON