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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for November 21, 2022 <br />Page 9 of 10 <br /> <br /> <br />Rosemary Place Sketch Plan <br /> <br />Community Development Assistant Max Gort explained the applicant, Summit Management LLC, <br />had applied for a sketch plan review to construct a 90-unit apartment complex on the west side of a <br />12.96-acre property, of which 7.75 acres are buildable. The property is located south of Rosemary <br />Way North, north of Frenchman Road/CSAH 8, and east of Festival Foods. It was in the general <br />business district and guided for commercial use in the 2040 Land Use Plan. a sketch plan review <br />was a way for an applicant to get feedback and unbinding comments on a plan, prior to formal <br />submittal for approval. <br /> <br />Gort showed an ariel view of the site. He provided information on the surrounding uses and presented <br />the general layout of the apartment buildings and parking. He talked about property constraints that <br />included a 50-foot-wide utility transmission line easement and approximately six acres of wetland, <br />primarily on the east side of the property. The parking was shown to have three major access points, <br />two on Rosemary Way and one on the private road to the south. He said staff would like to work with <br />the applicant to minimize speeding and cut-through traffic in the straight and long parking lot area. <br />The building was proposed to be brick and steel siding with earth tone colors and would need to meet <br />the multifamily design guidelines as the project moved forward. <br /> <br />Gort explained that for the applicant to construct the apartment on this property, they would need to <br />apply for a zoning amendment and comprehensive plan amendment to allow for high density <br />residential. The applicant was proposing to fill some wetlands on the property to increase buildable <br />acreage to nine acres. The wetland replacement plan had not yet been approved by the Technical <br />Evaluation Panel. Gort provided an update on the comments from the Planning Commission meeting <br />held on November 10, 2022, and from the EDA meeting held on October 18, 2022. He requested City <br />Council provide comments to the applicant regarding the potential change in zoning and land use <br />designations, the use of the non-buildable portion of property, and the overall site design. <br /> <br />Applicant Mark Lambert said he appreciated the opportunity to have a sketch plan discussion. He said <br />they started in Hugo in 2018 with Hugo Estates (formerly Twin Pines Mobile Home Park), and <br />recently received approval for an expansion there. He provided background on the apartment site plan <br />stating the property went back to the bank in 2012, and they had apparently been trying to sell it for <br />the past five years. He said it had been difficult obtaining forgotten documents and chasing down old <br />surveyors and engineers to figure out what had already been done. Lambert felt it was a difficult site <br />with nothing being straight and having the utility easement and a bunch of wetlands on the site. He <br />said he could have planned it around the utility corridor but settled on the west side, putting the <br />building in the center. He talked about the commercial component of the site and said he felt the area <br />was more suited to be residential now. <br /> <br />Miron asked about pedestrian connections that would add to the existing businesses and agreed that a <br />commercial use would likely to be looking for something closer to the county road. He asked Gort <br />about the private road. <br /> <br />Max explained the road behind the commercial buildings was a private road. Community <br />Development Director Rachel Juba added there was a commercial association that managed the <br />private road. Lambert was aware he would have to work with them and possibly do a traffic study. <br />