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2023.01.09 CC Minutes
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City Council Minutes
2023 CC Minutes
2023.01.09 CC Minutes
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for January 9, 2023 <br />Page 8 of 9 <br /> <br /> <br />would take place June-September 2023, and the assessment hearing would take place in October, <br />2023. <br /> <br />Miron talked about the discussion at the open house regarding strategies moving forward to keep <br />the residents informed on road projects. Nick said letters had been sent and door hangers put out. <br />He said they would also be putting up signage in the boulevard moving forward, but not now <br />because of the snow. They were looking into social media applications to get contact <br />information and send text messages out to keep residents informed. <br /> <br />Klein made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2023-1 APROVING PLANS <br />AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS 2023 BIRCH <br />TREE PONDS AREA STREET IMPROVEMENTS. <br /> <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Discussion on Petition from Flay Avenue Residents <br /> <br />Community Development Director Rachel Juba began by reminding the Council that in April, <br />2022, the Council approved Premier Bank’s request to rezone to C-1, Central Business. The <br />property is located at 5616 Flay Avenue and had been zoned Future Central Business (FCB), <br />which is a holding zone to be rezoned later. On June 9, 2022, the City Council held a <br />neighborhood meeting with property owners that own property zoned FCB on Flay Avenue <br />North to explain what the FCB district was, since most were under the impression they were <br />zoned residential. The residents had asked what could be done, and there was a statement made <br />that they could get a petition going to rezone. A petition was submitted to the City to rezone all <br />the properties in the neighborhood along Flay Avenue North to only allow residential uses, but <br />only 60% of the property owners in the neighborhood signed the petition. To rezone the <br />properties, the City Council could direct staff to initiate a rezoning of all the properties on Flay <br />Avenue. Rezoning of properties would include evaluation of the approval criteria, public notice, <br />and a public hearing at a Planning Commission meeting. Staff had recommended not initiating a <br />rezoning of the properties at this time, since not all the properties were represented, and <br />recommended Council direct staff to write a letter to the neighborhood stating that the petition <br />was received and rezoning to residential may be considered if all property owners signed the <br />petition. <br /> <br />Miron asked how long the current zoning district existed and what it would take to approve a <br />change. Juba replied the district was zoned FCB in 2002 or 2003, and a simple majority of the <br />Council was needed to approve a change. <br /> <br />Shane Rooney, 14816 Flay Avenue North, said they bought their house one year ago, have <br />children, and do not want businesses in their secluded neighborhood. The bank entrance would <br />be on their road, and he said he would not have moved there had he known. He said he thought <br />they could get more to sign the petition but doubts 100% will. <br /> <br />Alex Rooney, 14816 Flay Avenue North, added that two residents didn’t sign the petition <br />because they did not believe it was possible to put more businesses in. Alex said it was <br />dangerous for the kids. <br />
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