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Hugo City Council Minutes for January 23, 2023 Goal Setting Workshop <br />Page 2 of 3 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />The Council questioned how much time Bear would be spending on the White Bear Lake <br />Lawsuit. Bear replied that he and City Attorney Dave Snyder had been involved since the <br />beginning and likely be leaned on to guide the mediation. Council felt it was important for the <br />City to take the lead. <br /> <br />There was a question on bridge repairs and if there were funds available. City Engineer Mark <br />Erichson replied that there were bridge funds available, and the City needed to get on the list <br />with construction costs for those grants <br /> <br />There was a question from Council about whether they should be more engaged on policy issues <br />that were outside of Hugo’s control. Bear replied that Senator Karin Housley and Representative <br />Patti Anderson would be invited to speak to the Council directly. <br /> <br />Council indicated they approved the list of goals as drafted by staff. The list would be on the <br />next Council agenda for formal approval. <br /> <br />Discussion on ARPA Funds (Covid Cash) <br /> <br />Bear began by explaining how the rules at the Treasury Department had changed and the rules <br />for spending ARPA funds were relaxed. The City was given 1.6 M. in funding that needed to be <br />appropriated to a project by the end of 2024 or the City would lose those funds. Suggestions to <br />Council were to spend the money on paving of 165th Street, which would help with connecting <br />other roads or paving of Elmcrest Avenue. The City was currently in discussions with the City <br />of Lino Lakes. Also, at the next Council meeting, the Hopkins Committee would present their <br />plan to Council on restoration of the Schoolhouse and their funding plan. <br /> <br />Most of the discussion was about the Northstar Wetland Bank. This project would cost <br />approximately $1 million to construct. The City would be able to sell the credits. The cost of <br />the credits would be negotiable and would fluctuate. The use of that money would need to be <br />identified. There was a suggestion it be used to construct the trails. The school has indicated <br />they would like to have a cross-country trail. It was said they do not have revenue for the <br />approximately $2 million it would cost to construct. <br /> <br />The Council liked this idea for several reasons. It was said the ARPA money came from <br />everyone, and it should not be used on a project that affects only a small number of residents. <br />The wetland bank would have a long-term payback that would provide a new revenue stream for <br />more community enhancement opportunities. The wetland bank would be environmentally <br />friendly and could be used for educational and recreational purposes. Funding of trails could <br />possibly be done with the sale of credits. Signage could be displayed on the property indicating <br />how it was paid for. <br /> <br />Bear added that this property for a wetland bank had been evaluated. The next steps would be <br />the design phase, and it was not likely a project would be ready to start this year. Discussion on <br />the wetland bank will be on the next Council agenda. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />