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FALL2022 <br />Hugo City Hall <br />14669 Fitzgerald Avenue North <br />Hugo, MN 55038 <br />651-762-6300 or <br />Office Hours <br />8:00 am - 4:30 pm Monday - Friday <br />Closed weekends and holidays <br /> <br />8 <br />PRSRT STD <br />U.S. Postage <br />PAID <br />Permit No. <br />Twin Cities, MN <br />Ramsey and Washington counties are working together to bring food scraps <br />pick up service to all residents, with rollout beginning in 2023. <br />Why:Over 20% of household trash is food scraps, like fruit peels, eggshells, coffee grounds, bones and more. <br />By separating your food scraps, you can help them turn back into soil instead of becoming waste. <br />Who: Residents of Ramsey and Washington counties – whether you live in an apartment, condo or house. <br />When:Rollout to begin in 2023. <br />How: Food scraps will be picked up from your home along with your trash. To participate, you will sign up online or via phone <br />to receive an annual supply of thick, compostable bags that will be shipped to your home at no charge. You’ll use these <br />bags to collect your food scraps. Once a bag is full, you’ll place it in your regular trash can, and trash will be collected as usual. <br />The bags will be mechanically separated from the trash after collection so that they can be composted. <br />This new program is part of a larger system for managing food scraps. County food scraps drop-off sites will remain <br />in operation, and some people may prefer to compost food scraps in their backyards. Do what works best for you! <br />Stay tuned for updates. In the meantime, more information can be found at