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CITY OF HUGO <br /> RESOLUTION 2023-8 <br /> RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ROAD MAINTENANCE EXPENDITURES FROM <br /> THE AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT FUNDS UNDER THE STANDARD <br /> ALLOWANCE ELECTED UNDER THE REVENUE LOSS PROVISION OF THE <br /> CORONAVIRUS LOCAL FISCAL RECOVERY FUND <br /> WHEREAS, Congress adopted the American Rescue Plan Act(ARPA) in March 2021, which <br /> included$65 billion in recovery funds for cities across the country. <br /> WHEREAS, In May 2021, the US Department of Treasury(Treasury)published the Interim <br /> Final Rule describing eligible and ineligible uses of funds, as well as other program provisions, <br /> sought feedback from the public on these program rules, and began to distribute funds. <br /> WHEREAS, $1,668,411.91 was received by the City of Hugo (City)pursuant to the ARPA. <br /> WHEREAS, on January 6,2022, Treasury issued the Final Rule. The Final Rule delivered <br /> broader flexibility and greater simplicity in the program,reflective of feedback in the comment <br /> process. <br /> WHEREAS,the Final Rule offered a standard allowance for revenue loss of up to $10 million, <br /> allowing recipients to select between a standard amount of revenue loss or complete a full <br /> revenue loss calculation. <br /> WHEREAS,recipients that selected the standard allowance could use that amount, in many <br /> cases their full award, for general government services, with streamlined reporting requirements. <br /> WHEREAS, general government services generally include any service traditionally provided <br /> by a government, unless the Treasury has stated otherwise. The Final Rule provided that <br /> government services expressly recognized by the Treasury included,but were not limited to, (a) <br /> road building, road maintenance and other infrastructure; (b) general government administration, <br /> staff and administrative facilities; and (c)provision of police, fire and other public safety <br /> services. <br /> WHEREAS,the City,by virtue of Resolution 2022-18, elected to take the standard allowance <br /> available under the revenue loss provision of the American Rescue Plan Act in the amount of <br /> $1,668,411.91 to be used for the general provision of government services. <br /> WHEREAS,the City Council,has identified road maintenance projects,which in the judgement <br /> of the Council, qualifies as a permitted use of the ARPA Funds, in the direct support of the <br /> provision of governmental services, which consists of the Birch Tree Ponds Area Street <br /> Improvement Project and additional unexpected road maintenance projects that need to be <br /> completed due to the unprecedented freeze-thaw cycle that took place Spring of 2023 that <br /> wreaked havoc on City roads. <br />