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Exhibit A <br /> LEGAL DESCRIPTION: <br /> That part of lot 38,County Auditor's Plat No.7,Hugo Village,described as follows: Beginning at a point on the <br /> East line of the right of way of Trunk Highway No.61 which is 1077.76 feet Northerly,measured along the East <br /> line of Trunk Highway No.61 from the South line of Section 20,Township 31,Range 21;thence East parallel with <br /> the South line of said Section 20 a distance of 170 feet to a point;thence Northerly parallel with the Easterly right <br /> of way line of Trunk Highway No.61,60 feet to a point;thence West parallel with the South line of said Section <br /> 20,170 feet,more or less,to the East right of way line of said Trunk Highway No.61;thence Southerly on the East <br /> right of way line of Trunk Highway No.61,a distance of 60 feet,more or less,to the point of beginning, <br /> Washington County, Minnesota. <br />