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Ordinance 2023-526 <br /> Page 2 of 3 <br /> WHEREAS,the ordinance review committee has been studying the ordinance and needs <br /> additional time to hold a public hearing on the proposed ordinance revisions. <br /> SECTION 2. FINDINGS. <br /> 1. The City Council finds there is a need to study the Solar Farm section of the <br /> ordinance to determine whether to revise or add any regulations or restrictions, <br /> including siting and location of use,performance standards, and screening of Solar <br /> Farms.This ordinance does not have an effect of imposing limitations or restrictions <br /> to the application of Accessory Solar Energy Systems. <br /> 2. The study will address issues including, but not limited to the following: 1) The <br /> particular districts and locations such use shall be allowed; 2) The concentration <br /> and density of such uses in the City; 3) Performance standards for such uses in the <br /> City; and; 3)The effects of such uses on other uses and the surrounding area. <br /> 3. The study will allow the City Council to determine the appropriate changes,if any, <br /> that it should make to City ordinances. <br /> 4. The City Council, therefore, finds that there is a need to adopt a City-wide <br /> moratorium of the applications for and the issuance of permits for Solar Farms. <br /> SECTION 3. MORATORIUM. <br /> 1. No individual, establishment, organization, or business may apply for applications <br /> for approval or the issuance of permits for Solar Farms for six (6) months from <br /> August 6, 2023. <br /> 2. No application or permit of any kind, by any individual, establishment, <br /> organization, or businesses involved in Solar Farms within the City of Hugo shall <br /> be accepted, considered, or issued for six(6)months from August 6, 2023. <br /> 3. Planning or zoning applications related to Solar Farms or applications from <br /> individuals, establishments, organizations, or businesses involved in Solar Farms <br /> within the City of Hugo shall not be accepted, considered, or issued for six (6) <br /> months from August 6, 2023. <br /> SECTION 4. STUDY. The City Council directs City staff to study the Solar Farm section of <br /> the ordinance to determine whether to revise or add any regulations or restrictions, including <br /> siting and location of use, performance standards, and screening of Solar Farms. Upon <br /> completion of the study,the City Council, together with such commission as the City Council <br /> deems appropriate, or as may be required by law, will consider the advisability of adopting <br /> new ordinances or amending its current ordinances. <br /> SECTION 5. ENFORCEMENT. The City may enforce this Ordinance by mandamus, <br />