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Page 2 <br />“Kids need to <br />go wild in a <br />more <br />managed <br />place.” <br /> ~Goodview <br />Avenue <br />Property <br />Neighbor <br />Lions Park Workshop Held <br />Goodview Avenue Property <br />Neighborhood Meeting Held <br />Focus on Trails Continues <br />Trails were a big <br />part of the 2016 <br />goals of the Parks <br />Commission. This <br />included con- <br />structing a trail <br />with the annual <br />street reconstruc- <br />tion project select- <br />ed by the Council– <br />Oneka Lake Boule- <br />vard. The other <br />goal was to identify <br />trails that would <br />not be built with develop- <br />ment or road projects. <br />This discussion took <br />place over three meet- <br />ings. It included a review <br />of the trails plan and a <br />close study of the existing <br />and planned trail net- <br />work. The Trail Develop- <br />ment Policy which helps <br />establish priority of trails <br />that are not likely to be <br />built by normal means (a <br />road reconstruction pro- <br />ject or property develop- <br />ment). Examples of the <br />partnerships and plan- <br />ning that went into the <br />construction of existing <br />trails were discussed. <br />An exercise was conduct- <br />ed to identify missing <br />links in the trail system. <br />Existing and planned <br />trails will be reviewed <br />again with the compre- <br />hensive planning pro- <br />cess. <br />been known to hang out <br />there, and some bad be- <br />havior has been reported. <br />The neighbors have <br />asked that the Commis- <br />sion do something to stop <br />the problem. Over 300 <br />notices were sent out to <br />the adjacent properties <br />inviting residents to par- <br />ticipate in a discussion <br />The Parks Commission <br />has long valued working <br />with residents and <br />responding to their input. <br />Complaints have been <br />received regarding the <br />2.34 acre city-owned <br />property off of Goodview <br />Avenue. Pedal bike <br />jumps have been built at <br />the property, youth have <br />about the short and long <br />term future of the prop- <br />erty at a meeting on <br />November 9. Residents <br />shared mixed opinions of <br />what should be done with <br />the property from selling <br />it to continuing to allow <br />youth to use the property. <br />ment Guidelines ap- <br />proved in 2011 and the <br />concept plan approved in <br />2015 were reviewed. <br />Discussion included in- <br />frastructure needs and <br />financing options. A fea- <br />sibility study by WSB and <br />Associates not to exceed <br />a cost of $17,000 was <br />approved following the <br />workshop. The study will <br />include how re- <br />development of the park <br />may be phased and a cost <br />breakdown. <br />On April 28, a joint work- <br />shop with the City Coun- <br />cil was held to discuss the <br />next steps of Lions Park. <br />The workshop was one of <br />the 2016 goals of the <br />Commission. A tour of <br />the park started off the <br />discussion. The Develop- <br />2016 <br />Oneka Lake Boulevard <br />(road reconstruction project) <br />Elmcrest Avenue <br />(residential development)