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moratorium to regulate,restrict or prohibit any use within the jurisdiction to protect the public <br /> health, safety, and welfare. Specifically, the City is authorized to enact a moratorium <br /> ordinance to allow it to undertake a study to determine whether to adopt any regulations or <br /> restrictions, including siting and location of uses, related to the sales, testing, manufacturing, <br /> and distribution of cannabis and lower-potency hemp products. <br /> 12. Section 343.13 of the Act allows a city to adopt an interim ordinance relating to regulation of <br /> cannabis businesses until January 1,2025. This provision only relates to cannabis businesses, <br /> and does not include the ability to study lower-potency hemp products, even though the new <br /> Act regulates such products, creates the OCM to administer regulations, and requires certain <br /> functions for a city including registration and compliance checks and other matters. <br /> 13.Pursuant to its general police powers, including but not limited to, Minn. Stat. § <br /> 421.221, subd. 32,the City may enact and enforce regulations or restrictions on both cannabis <br /> and lower-potency hemp products within the City to protect the public safety, health, and <br /> welfare, including restrictions and a moratorium on the use of sales, testing, manufacturing, <br /> and distribution, during the pendency of a study to determine the need for police power <br /> regulations,including but not necessarily limited to licensing and permitting. <br /> 14.The Act specifically allows for the immediate sale of"edible cannabis products" at exclusive <br /> on-sale liquor stores. The defmition of "edible cannabis products" in the Act, excludes <br /> "lower-potency hemp edibles." "Edible cannabis products" are now prohibited by interim <br /> ordinance 2022-515,which expires on August 15,2023. <br /> SECTION 2.FINDINGS. <br /> 1. The City Council finds there is a need to study cannabinoid products, which includes <br /> cannabis products and lower-potency hemp products including uses and businesses related <br /> thereto,in order to assess the necessity for and efficacy of regulation and restrictions relating <br /> to the sales, testing, manufacturing, and distribution of cannabinoid products, including <br /> through licensing or zoning ordinances, in order to protect the public health, safety, and <br /> welfares of its residents. <br /> 2. The study will allow the City Council to determine the appropriate changes, if any, that that it <br /> should make to City ordinances. <br /> 3. The City Council,therefore, finds that there is a need to adopt a City-wide moratorium of the <br /> sale, testing, manufacturing, and distribution of cannabinoid products within the City while <br /> City staff studies the issue. <br /> SECTION 3.MORATORIUM. <br /> 1. No individual, establishment, organization, or business may sell, test, manufacture, <br /> or distribute cannabinoid products for twelve (12) months from the effective date of this <br /> ordinance. <br /> 2. The City shall not issue any license or permit related to cannabinoid products for twelve (12) <br /> months from the effective date of this ordinance. No license or permit application, of any <br /> kind, by any individual, establishment, organization, or businesses involved in the proposed <br /> sale, testing,manufacturing, or distribution of cannabinoid products within the City of Hugo <br /> shall be accepted or considered for twelve (12) months from the effective date of this <br /> ordinance. <br /> 3. Planning or zoning applications related to cannabinoid products or applications from <br /> individuals, establishments, organizations, or businesses involved in the proposed sale, <br />