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Legal Description <br /> <br />The North half of the Northwest quarter (N ½ NW ¼), Section 36, Township 31, Range 21, except those portions previously conveyed. <br />The Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter (SE ¼ NW ¼), Section 36, Township 31, Range 21. <br />The Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter (SW ¼ NE ¼), Section 36, Township 31, Range 21, except those portions previously conveyed. Government Lot 2, Section 36, Township 31, Range <br /> 21, except those portions previously conveyed. <br />The Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter (NE ¼ NE ¼), Section 35, Township 31, Range 21, except the East 604.8 feet of the South 695.74 feet; and except the East 499 feet of the <br /> North 700 feet and except those conveyances described in Document No. 474339 and Document No. 532436 on file with the Washington County Recorder. <br />Except those parcels described on Exhibit B. <br />EXHIBIT B <br />That part of the North Five Hundred (500.00) feet of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter (N ½ of NW ¼) of Section Thirty-six (36), in Township Thirty-one (31) North, or Range Twenty-one <br /> (21) West, Washington County, Minnesota, lying easterly of the center line of County State Aid Highway No. 8A (also known as 130th Street North and Jody Avenue North.) <br />AND <br />That part of Government Lot Seven (7) in Section Twenty-five (25) and Government Lot Two (2) in Section Thirty-six (36), all in said Township Thirty-one (31) North, of Range Twenty-one <br /> (21) West, Washington County, Minnesota, described jointly as follows: <br />Beginning at the north quarter corner of said Section Thirty-six (36); thence 179°39'59” assumed azimuth from North along the north-south quarter line of said Section Thirty-six (36), <br /> a distance at Five Hundred and One Hundredth <br />(500.01) feet; thence 77°49'50” to the shoreline of South School Section Lake, thence northwesterly, northerly and westerly along said shoreline to the point of intersection with a straight <br /> line drawn between the north and south quarter corners of said Section Twenty-five (25); thence southerly along said straight line to the point of beginning. Subject to County State <br /> Aid Highway No. 8A (also known as 130th Street North and Jody Avenue North). Subject to and together with any other valid easements, restrictions and reservations. According to the <br /> United States Government Survey thereof. <br />AND