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RESOLUTION 2023-38 <br /> APPROVING A VARIANCE FROM THE REAR AND SIDE YARD <br /> REQUIREMENTS FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 12033 EVERTON AVENUE <br /> NORTH <br /> WHEREAS, Hunter and Brayanna Smith have requested approval of a variance to allow <br /> the proposed 1,200 square foot accessory building to be 10 feet from the rear yard <br /> property line, where 30 feet is required by ordinance, on property legally described as <br /> follows: <br /> Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 22, 23, and 24, Block 7, Shadyside No. 4, Washington County, <br /> Minnesota. <br /> WHEREAS, the Board of Zoning Adjustments and Appeals has reviewed said variance at <br /> a duly called public hearing on October 12, 2023, and recommends approval with the <br /> following findings and conditions: <br /> 1. The proposed facilities shall be in adherence to the site plan dated September 8, <br /> 2023. <br /> 2. The proposed variance is permissible by law. <br /> 3. The existing rows of trees are to provide screening from the road, and the <br /> proposed location meets all accessory building size and placement requirements, <br /> establishing the accessory building as a reasonable use. <br /> 4. The property is constrained by sloping terrain and existing trees. The proposed <br /> location prevents the applicant from needing to grade and removing a significant <br /> amount of existing trees, creating unique circumstances that are not created by the <br /> landowner. <br /> 5. The proposed location of the building is well screened by existing trees both from <br /> the street, which does not create a visual disruption relative to the adjacent <br /> properties and road. The requested variance will not alter the essential character <br /> of the neighborhood. <br /> 6. There are practical difficulties in meeting the ordinance standards. <br /> 7. The spirit and intent of the ordinance for a rear and side yard setback is to require <br /> a minimum amount of space between buildings and the property line. It is the <br /> staff s opinion that there would be a reasonable amount of space between the <br /> accessory building and the property line, although a portion of the addition would <br /> encroach into the rear and side yard setback. The variance as requested meets the <br /> spirit and intent of the ordinance. <br /> 8. The use is allowed in the R-1 zoning district. <br /> 9. The property is not located within a floodplain area. <br /> 10. The property is served by City sewer and water. <br />