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Resolution 2024-4 <br /> Page 2 <br /> 9. The grading plan shall be revised to move the grading away from adjacent <br /> properties to the north to reduce impact to existing trees on the north property <br /> line. The applicant shall continue to work with the City on the grading plan for the <br /> development. <br /> 10. A stormwater re-use system, as shown in the plans, shall be constructed with the <br /> development. The final plans shall be reviewed and approved by staff. The system <br /> will be installed by the applicant, and owned/operated/maintained by the <br /> homeowner's association. A stormwater reuse agreement and encroachment and <br /> maintenance agreement shall be reviewed and approved by staff and recoded at <br /> Washington County. <br /> 11. The developer has indicated that an HOA will be established for the development <br /> to own/operate/maintain community areas and the water re-use system. The HOA <br /> documents shall be reviewed and approved by staff prior to the recording of the <br /> final plat. <br /> 12. Outlot Use and Ownership: <br /> a. Outlot A is proposed for future development of Watercrest of Hugo. <br /> b. Outlot B is proposed for stormwater management, wetlands, and trails. <br /> The outlot shall be deeded to the City at the time the plat is recorded. <br /> c. Outlot C is unbuildable and proposed for a wetland bank and will remain <br /> in ownership of the developer. Access to outlot C shall be determined at <br /> the time of the wetland bank application and approval. If the wetland bank <br /> is not approved, the outlot shall be deeded to the City. <br /> The following conditions shall be met prior to the Final Plat being recorded: <br /> 13. The developer shall pay an escrow to upgrade Goodview Avenue to an urban <br /> section roadway and trail will be required with final plat and development <br /> agreement. The total escrow amount it $136,365. <br /> 14. The developer shall pay a park dedication fee of$102,000. <br /> 15. The developer shall pay the sewer and water trunk fees for each lot at final plat. <br /> The City's SAC and WAC fees will be paid at the time building permits issued. <br /> 16. The developer shall enter into a development agreement, shall agree to complete <br /> all improvements, and pay all fees as required by the agreement. <br /> 17. The developer shall enter into a stormwater reuse agreement with the City for the <br /> stormwater reuse system. <br /> 18. The developer must obtain all necessary stormwater management and wetland <br /> conservation act (WCA) permits from the City. <br />