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Otter Lake Road. The City of Lino Lakes is planning to extend Otter Lake Road as <br />early as 2025. The road would extend north from CSAH 14 and will join Elmcrest near the main <br />entrance to Heritage Ponds at the Hugo border. Then, the road would continue north along the <br />Elmcrest route to Forest Lake and Coumbus. Coordination of this project involves 4 cities and <br />both Anoka and Washington Counties. <br /> <br /> Elmcrest is gravel north of 158th Street. If the first phase of the Otter Lake Road project <br />terminates in this vicinity, it will dump large volumes of traffic onto a gravel road. For this <br />reason, Hugo and Lino Lakes must begin planning for either temporary paving or permanent <br />improvements to Elmcrest from 158th Street north to 170th Street. <br /> <br /> Hwy 61 is undergoing a visioning study, which will likely be complete in 2024. We are <br />anticipating the removal of transit from this transportation corridor, which changes right-of-way <br />needs, removes access controls and will impact future land use planning along the corridor. <br />Following completion of the study, we anticipate a discussion surrounding a “turnback” of the <br />road to Washington County, and a discussion on needed corridor improvements in connection <br />with a turnback. <br /> <br /> Turn Lanes on Hwy 61 between 140th and Frenchman Road are scheduled to be <br />lengthened in 2025, along with modifications to traffic signals. Staff is involved in the planning <br />and implementation of this improvement with Washington County and MnDOT. <br /> <br /> Ditches. The Rice Creek Watershed District plans to finish a significant maintenance <br />project along Judicial Ditch #3 this winter. The ditch runs through multiple neighborhoods and <br />work has been very noticeable. City & RCWD staff are preparing for a project to complete the <br />last major section of Judicial Ditch #2. The goal (weather permitting) is to complete all major <br />ditch maintenance work in the City. Following that will be ongoing minor maintenance. City <br />staff will be working with the RCWD on an agreement concerning how to do this, who does it, <br />and how the work is funded. <br /> <br />Water: <br /> <br />White Bear Lake Lawsuit. We expect a decision from the Administrative Law Judge <br />concerning our water appropriation permits this spring. Following this decision, the City may <br />have several action steps to take. In January, work begins on the White Bear lake <br />Comprehensive Plan Work Group, which is looking for solutions to the lake problem. The <br />Group includes Council member Phil Klein as a key member. <br /> <br />Stormwater re-use. The City is working toward a goal of 100 million gallons of storm <br />water re-used through this program on an annual basis. Construction is ongoing on several new <br />projects that will be privately managed by Homeowners Associations. Staff continues to seek <br />outside funds and project ideas for other re-use projects. Staff is working on a project this year <br />with the Rice Creek Watershed District to evaluate the successes and failures of these projects, <br />with a hope to improve processes that lead to their construction. We also hope to identify <br />possible enhancements to existing projects. <br /> <br />Water Conservation. We will continue to seek new ways to lead in this area, but work <br />has been hampered by the White Bear lake lawsuit. <br />