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2023.08.21 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2023 CC Minutes
2023.08.21 CC Minutes
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Council Meeting Minutes for August 21, 2023 <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />Approve Proposal from WSB and Associates to Draft Construction Documents for Bernin <br />Park <br />At their meeting of August 16, 2023, the Parks Commission reviewed a proposal from WSB and <br />Associates for final design and construction administration of Bernin Park. The Bernin Park <br />master plan included a small parking lot, fishing pier, and paved and natural trails. The WSB <br />proposal included design development, cost estimating, surveys, and preparation of construction <br />documents. The Parks Commission intended to use this to apply for grants to help fund <br />construction. The WSB proposal also included bidding, construction administration and <br />surveying which may be needed at a later date. The Parks Commission recommended approval <br />of the proposal. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the proposal from WSB for the <br />Bernin Park final design and construction administration totaling $73,000. <br />Approve Construction of a City Trail on CSAH <br />The Council approved Rice Lake Reserve Third Addition at their meeting on May 1, 2023, <br />which included a road connection and turn lanes on CSAH 8. Staff had been working with M/I <br />Homes to include construction of a trail on the north side of CSAH 8 which would connect the <br />development to Hanifl Fields Athletic Park. The developer had proposed to construct an 8’ <br />bituminous trail at an estimated cost of $30,000-$35,000. The trail would connect to the west <br />drive way to the WBLAS Maintenance Facility utilizing a trail easement that the city retained. <br />In the future, the City could construct an additional trail within the park property for further <br />pedestrian connectivity. At their meeting of August 16, 2023, the Parks Commission discussed <br />the importance of the trail connection in Hugo’s trail system. They were supportive of using <br />Special Park Funds to reimburse the developer to ensure its construction, but it was not included <br />in their current Parks CIP. The Parks Commission recommended approval of the trail. Adoption <br />of the Consent Agenda approved construction of a City trail on CSAH 8 between Greystone <br />Avenue North and Hanifl Fields Athletic Park and reimbursement to the developer for its <br />construction. <br />Approve Job Description and Advertisement for Full-Time Fire Chief <br />At its July 10, 2023, Council meeting, staff was directed to create a full-time fire chief position <br />and come back to Council with a position profile, job description, and salary wage. City <br />Administrator Bryan Bear explained this would be the first full-time fire chief in Hugo to lead <br />the paid-on-call department. The chief would serve as a first responder and perform all duties <br />involved in running a fire department while maintaining the current culture of the department. <br />Proposed minimum qualifications included a high school diploma, degree in fire science or <br />demonstrated knowledge, minimum three years officer experience, completion of firefighter and <br />officer training, and residency with a 20-mile radius of the department. He explained the <br />qualifications were not as strict as other departments because it was intended to encourage a <br />wide range of applicants, including internal candidates. The proposed salary ranged from <br />$114,925-$149,716 with benefits that included the standard City benefits package. By state law, <br />they would also be enrolled in the police and fire pension plan which would be an extra cost to <br />the City, but there would be no social security deductions. <br />He proposed a process to encourage internal candidates to apply and to also advertise for <br />external qualified applicants. He said staff could do the first-round interviews with all qualified <br />candidates, and the Council could participate with finalists’ interviews. If the entire Council
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