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Council Meeting Minutes for October 2, 2023 <br />Page 5 of 5 <br />Association and the White Bear Lake Restoration Association to impose severe restrictions on <br />domestic water supply for cities in the east metro. Restrictions include a watering ban should <br />White Bear Lake level drop below 923.5 feet. It was also demanded that City adopt a gallons per <br />day water consumption limitation of 75/90 gallons for residential and commercial water use per <br />day. Snyder explained, in the Executive Session, he had updated the Council and advised them <br />the trial is set for October 17, and invited Council and anyone interested to attend electronically <br />or in person. Present in the executive session were the City Clerk, entire Council, City <br />Administrator, and the City Attorney. <br />Weidt appreciate the update saying the City of Hugo and Council over the last ten years has <br />taken it very seriously to use the City’s water judiciously to help reduce the water that is taken <br />out of the aquifer for irrigation. Many new developments use stormwater to irrigate, and settling <br />with the conditions in this lawsuit would take the City backwards. The ban of residential <br />irrigation would make it impossible to use the City’s stormwater systems where the City has <br />saved over 100 million gallons of water a year from being pulled out of the aquifer. He <br />supported moving forward with this quest to have sensible rules to make an effect on <br />maintaining the recreational uses that are so important to the homeowners around White Bear <br />Lake while protecting the water uses of all other residents. Encourage Council and City Attorney <br />to continue to move forward on this path. <br />Petryk thanked Dave Snyder and Bryan Bear for their hard work saying they have become <br />leaders and probably have the most expertise in this area. She said there would be severe <br />repercussions by agreeing to settlements that some cities have. Hugo’s wells have little or no <br />impact on the lake and for Hugo to be included it this type of legal action is unacceptable. <br />Petryk made, Klein seconded, to schedule the trial date of October 17, 2023, as a meeting for the <br />Council to attend. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Klein said the City has been recognized in water conversation efforts both state and federally, <br />and have done everything to be proactive in water conservation. He said the community has <br />been extremely supportive. The City should not be punished for the things it has done and needs <br />to be proactive on this to keep our water conservation efforts in place <br />Adjournment <br />Miron made motion, Klein seconded, to adjourn at 8:38 p.m. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Michele Lindau, City Clerk