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Council Meeting Minutes for December 4, 2023 <br />Page 2 of 8 <br />Hugo Yellow Ribbon Update – Chuck Haas <br />Chuck Haas was in attendance to provide an update on recent Hugo Yellow Ribbon activities. <br />He showed photos that were taken at recent events including Care Packaging, Family Day <br />events, and Burger Nights. Upcoming events the YRN would be sponsoring are Shop with a <br />Cop, Secret Santa Program, and the 29th Welcome Home Pheasant Hunt. He had Certificates of <br />Appreciation for the 2023 Burger Night Sponsors, and he thanked them for their support. In <br />attendance to receive their Certificates were the Hugo Fire Department and Bob Harding from <br />the Bald Eagle Sportsman’s Club and the St. Johns Men’s Club. Employees from Fresh Paint <br />were in attendance to receive the Burger Night Sponsor of the Year Award. <br />Presentation of Certificates to Burger Night Sponsors and Award to Sponsor of the Year - <br />Brigadier General Dan Gabrielli <br />Chuck Haas introduced Brigadier General Dan Gabrielli, who was the Assistant Adjutant <br />General for all the Airwing Activities. <br />General Gabrielli said he lived in Hugo for 12 years and now lives in St Paul to be closer to the <br />Airwing. He talked about the Hugo Yellow Ribbon Network that started in 2008. There were <br />now 53 YRN cities. Seventy-eight community organizations and businesses signed up that had <br />done 9,500 hours of service serving 9,800 folks through 90 events. Hugo was one of four cities <br />recognized at Military Appreciation Day at the State Fair. He recognized how business <br />organizations want to help. Gabrielli said was privileged and honored to be representing the <br />Guard, and they were very grateful for everything the YRN has done. He recalled commanding <br />the Homeland New Mexico Task Force being a very rewarding deployment in Afghanistan and <br />the assistance he received from Chuck in providing recreational items for those deployed there. <br />He presented Chuck a coin in appreciation for making the connection with Bower who donated <br />the items. Gabrielli thanked the leadership of the City and all the volunteers. <br />Mayor Weidt called for a five-minute recess. <br />Approval of Consent Agenda <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve the following Consent Agenda: <br />1.Approve Claims Roster <br />2.Approve Hiring of Tony Delarosa and Kyle Anderson as Probationary Firefighters <br />3.Approve Donation from the Hugo American Legion to the Hugo Fire Department <br />4.Approve Donation from the Hugo Firefighters Relief Association to the Hugo Fire <br />Department <br />5.Approve Language Update to the Hugo Firefighter’s Relief Association Bylaws <br />6.Approve Letter of Support to MN DEED for Comcast Grant Application <br />7.Approve Resolution Approving Refuse Haulers Licenses for 2024 <br />8.Approve Resolution Approving Liquor and Tobacco Licenses for 2024 <br />All Ayes. Motion carried.