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Minutes for Midyear Budget Review on September 30, 2023 <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />construction would come from, and it would likely be dependent on where the revenue from the <br />wetland bank would go. <br />The budget was prepared using the same urban tax rate as 2023, proposing a total 2024 levy of <br />$12,312,000. Wobse asked Council for direction to prepare the preliminary tax levy resolution <br />for consideration at the September 18, 2023, Council meeting. The Truth in Taxation hearing <br />was scheduled for December 4, 2023. The final levy could be lower but not higher than what <br />would be adopted at the September 18, 2023 meeting. <br />There was a question on if there was an internal measurement as a result of things costing more. <br />Wobse replied that there were no hard comparisons, but many invoices now included additional <br />administration fees, etc., and it was surmised that a portion of the levy increase was due to things <br />just costing more. <br />There was a question why the state decided to provide the City a $703,000 safety grant. Wobse <br />replied that it was part of the transportation bill and did not believe it would continue. <br />There was a question about the change in the LGA distribution amounts. Wobse replied that <br />there was now a greater focus on whether cities had unmet needs. <br />Council talked about the affordable housing tax and questioned whether it could be stockpiled. <br />There was also a suggestion about possibly partnering with the County on programs. Wobse said <br />it would need to be spent within three years of receiving, and the rules were still being worked <br />out. <br />There was a question about whether there was a disparity in services from rural to urban taxed <br />properties. The Mayor pointed out there were different cost in fighting fires and road <br />maintenance. Bear added that more detailed discussions would be needed. <br />The Council had a discussion on parks and asked about the park planner salary, insurance on the <br />parks, and the maintenance of park buildings. Wobse replied that the park planner salary now <br />came out of the general fund, along with most minor maintenance needs. Council questioned <br />where funds would come from when some older parks start needing full equipment replacement <br />and upgrades. Wobse replied that is something that would come out of the Parks Fund and <br />Council discussed a possible future need of raising the Parks Fund levy to fund major <br />improvements. <br />There was discussion on whether the budget could be increased for City streets. Wobse and Bear <br />explained there was an additional $600,000 budgeted for that next year, and that was the biggest <br />increase in the budget. <br />There was discussion on the stabilization levy and how large did the City want it to grow. <br />Wobse replied that she recently had a conversation with the City’s bond council who indicated <br />there was no set acceptable limit, and it was a good idea to keep it at a high level to help with <br />future bond ratings.