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MINUTES <br />City Council Meeting <br />City Hall Council Chambers <br />Monday, July 24, 2023 <br />7:00 p.m. <br />Call to Order <br />Mayor Weidt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. <br />Roll Call <br />COUNCIL PRESENT: Klein, Miron, Strub, Weidt <br />COUNCIL ABSENT: Petryk <br />OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Bryan Bear, City Engineer Mark Erichson, City <br />Attorney Dave Snyder, Community Development Director Rachel Juba, Finance Director Anna <br />Wobse, City Clerk Michele Lindau <br />Approve Minutes for the July 10, 2023, City Council Meeting <br />Klein made motion, Strub seconded, to approve the minutes for the City Council meeting held on <br />July 10, 2023, as presented. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Approval of Agenda <br />Weidt made motion, Klein seconded, to approve the agenda as presented. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Presentation of 2022 Audit Report – Jill Schultz, Smith Schafer & Associates <br />Jill Schultz from the independent accounting firm of Smith Schafer & Associates presented a <br />recap of the audit of City finances for the 2022 fiscal year. She began by providing background <br />and stated the reason for the audit was to provide assurance financial statements were free of <br />material misstatements. Six areas were required to be tested by the state, and there were no <br />exceptions noted during the 2022 audit. <br />She explained the difference between Governmental and Enterprise fund types and provided <br />details on each. She reviewed revenues stating City property taxes bring in the most revenue, and <br />building permit revenue decreased slightly in 2022. Governmental Fund revenues showed a loss <br />in investment earnings in 2021 and a larger loss in 2022, which was seen across the board in all <br />of their government clients. Government Expenditures showed increases in all categories due <br />mainly to the increased salaries for previously unfilled positions and materials and the <br />construction of the new Lions Park and Public Works facility. Overall, the General Government, <br />Public Safety, and Street and Highway funds made up most of the expenditures. Park <br />maintenance expenditures increased due to Lions Park. Jill talked about the purpose and benefit <br />of general fund reserves saying they create a favorable bond rating and provide for unanticipated