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Council Meeting Minutes for December 18, 2023 <br />Page 8 of 11 <br />Approve Purchase of Bearcat Debris Loader <br />Public Works staff requested Council authorization for the purchase of a Bearcat debris loader to <br />assist crews in the cleanup of leaves and soft vegetation debris from the landscaped areas of City <br />owned property. This piece of equipment would save labor and time by increasing the efficiency <br />of fall clean-up activities. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the purchase of a Bearcat <br />Debris Loader and trailer kit as outlined in the Mn/DOT state bid approved quote from L.T.G. <br />Power Equipment in the amount of $9,003.60. <br />Approve Amendment to Cooperative Agreement with Washington County for the Hugo <br />Yard Waste Collection Site <br />The City of Hugo had entered into a Cooperative Agreement with Washington County in July of <br />2019 for the waste collection site located at 5527 170th Street North. The agreement was <br />amended in April of 2022 to extend the timeline of the agreement to the end of 2023 while the <br />northern hazardous environmental center and yard waste collection site was under construction. <br />It had been determined by the County the site would not be able to open until the fall of 2024, <br />and the County wanted to amend the Cooperative Agreement through 2024. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved Amendment No. 2 to the Cooperative Agreement for the Hugo Yard <br />Waste Collection Site. <br />Public Hearing on Liquor License for Kings Pizza, Inc for Red’s Savoy Pizza <br />As of January 1, 2024, there would be a new owner of Red’s Savoy Pizza located at 14755 <br />Victor Hugo Boulevard. Keith Morrisette, owner of Kings Pizza, Inc., would be purchasing the <br />business and had applied for a Wine License and a 3.2 Malt liquor License with a provision for <br />strong beer, which was allowed by City Code as along as 60% of the sales comes from food. The <br />current owner, R&G Services, LTD, had held these same licenses since April, 2017. Hugo City <br />Code required a public hearing be held on all new licensees. <br />Acting Mayor Miron opened the Public Hearing. There were no comments, and Miron closed <br />the public hearing. <br />Strub made motion, Klein seconded, to approve the wine and beer licenses for the new owner of <br />Red’s Savoy Pizza. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Update on Dellwood Ridge Neighborhood Meeting Regarding 2024 Street Improvement <br />Project <br />City Engineer Mark Erichson began by reminding Council of the public hearing on November <br />20, 2023, for the 2024 Street Improvement Project that would include 125th Street and Heather <br />Avenue and Upper Heather Avenue in the Dellwood Ridge development. Public comment during <br />this process warranted further discussion on road width and curb type in the Dellwood Ridge <br />neighborhood. Staff had coordinated a neighborhood meeting that was held on December 13 and <br />presented information related to the City’s standard roadway width and curb type. <br />Staff had proposed a 28-foot road with concrete curb and gutter. The current width of the road,