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MINUTES <br />City Council Meeting <br />City Hall Council Chambers <br />Monday, June 12, 2023 <br />7:00 p.m. <br />Call to Order <br />Mayor Weidt called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. <br />Roll Call <br />COUNCIL PRESENT: Klein, Petryk, Miron, Strub, Weidt <br />COUNCIL ABSENT: None <br />OTHERS PRESENT: City Administrator Bryan Bear, City Engineer Mark Erichson, City <br />Attorney Dave Snyder, Community Development Director Rachel Juba, Parks Planner Shayla <br />Denaway, City Clerk Michele Lindau <br />Approve Minutes for the May 15, 2023, City Council Meeting <br />Klein made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve the minutes for the City Council meeting held on <br />May 15, 2023, as presented. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Approval of Agenda <br />Weidt made motion, Klein seconded, to approve the agenda as amended by adding approval of <br />an encroachment agreement for 13144 Geneva Avenue North to the Consent Agenda. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Legislative Update - MN House Representative Patti Anderson <br />Minnesota House Representative Patti Anderson gave the Council an update on the latest <br />legislative session that finished up three weeks ago. She said there were a lot of changes and <br />money spent, and she generally voted “no” on most things. She said she helped with the <br />language to deal with the White Bear Lake water issue, and she talked about money Forest Lake <br />received in the Bonding Bill, which will affect the watersheds and spur development in that area. <br />She recently met with the County to talk about connecting trail systems in the County. She said <br />the LGA money was going up. Anderson had attended the Hugo Good Neighbor Days Parade <br />the past weekend and said it was great. <br />Weidt said he appreciated her help at the legislature and the work she did on the WBL language <br />and funding. Anderson said it was an honor to serve Hugo. <br />Washington County Sheriff’s Office (WCSO) Report – Sheriff Dan Starry <br />Sheriff Dan Starry called on Sergeant Zerwas to introduce the team the serves Hugo. Present