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Council Meeting Minutes for July 10, 2023 <br />Page 7 of 11 <br />Klein made motion, Strub seconded, to approve the notice to vacate the drainage and utility <br />easement for properties located at 12345 and 12237 Hilo Court North. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Discussion on Amended Street Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) <br />The Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) provides a schedule for the various roadway improvements <br />that were necessary to maintain the City streets in an effective and efficient manner. City streets <br />were evaluated by conducting pavement condition ratings and road tours to prioritize <br />improvement projects. This was typically done every three years, but this was not one of those <br />years. City Engineer Mark Erichson explained that the past year had been particularly damaging <br />to the City’s roadways with many road conditions drastically changing for the worse. Public <br />Works staff had evaluated the roads, reprioritized projects, and added some projects that <br />surpassed others on the existing CIP list. This resulted in significant changes to priorities for <br />future road improvement projects. Staff had updated the CIP priorities based on the observed <br />conditions for Council consideration. <br />City Engineer Mark Erichson presented a map showing the identified 2024-2028 improvement <br />projects. He showed the costs estimates for those projects ranging from mill and overlay to full <br />reconstruction. The Council had dedicated ARPA Funds to the road fund to help fund an <br />aggressive approach to do these projects. Erichson stated the Finance Director had indicated, as <br />it gets into 2028, funds may be tight, so staff would continue to evaluate the CIP annually based <br />on bid prices to make sure the City could continue to move forward on these projects. Staff had <br />recommended Council consider approving the proposed 2024 – 2028 Capital Improvement Plan <br />and requested Council consider authorizing the preparation of a Feasibility Report for the 2024 <br />Street Improvement Project. <br />Weidt asked about the streets shown on the CIP for the Beaver Ponds area project and noted <br />other streets in the area were not far behind in the order on the CIP list. He wondered if there <br />had been a discussion on including them in the project. Erichson replied that when the ratings <br />are done next year, they would be revaluated, and it may be prudent to include them. He added <br />that road conditions could change with the winters. <br />Miron noted that road conditions were not isolated to Hugo, and he asked Erichson what was <br />unique about this winter to cause so much damage. Erichson explained the snow, moisture, and <br />freeze-thaw cycles throughout the spring caused a lot of damage. <br />Petryk made motion, Klein seconded, to approve RESOLUTION NO. 2023-19 APPROVING <br />THE 2024 – 2028 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried.