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MINUTES <br />City Council Goal Setting Workshop <br />City Hall Council Chambers <br />Monday, January 22, 2024 <br />5:00 p.m. <br />Mayor Weidt called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. <br />COUNCIL PRESENT: Klein, Miron, Strub, Weidt <br />COUNCIL ABSENT: Petryk <br />STAFF PRESENT: City Administrator Bryan Bear, Finance Director Anna Wobse, Community <br />Development Director Rachel Juba, Fire Chief Jim Compton, City Clerk Michele Lindau, <br />2023 Goals Summary <br />City Administrator Bryan Bear reviewed some of the 2023 Goals saying there were three big <br />topics: Public Works reorganization and hiring of new staff, hiring of new Fire Chief, and White <br />Bear Lake water issues. An administrative law judge will likely rule at the end of April, and <br />pending the outcome, there could be appeals and the need for the City to make some decisions <br />depending on the action. <br />Presentation of 2024 Draft Goals <br />Bear provided a draft of 2024 goals prepared by staff with the input of all commissions. Some <br />attention will be focused on infrastructure and rating City streets in the spring, which may result <br />in changes in the City’s Capital Improvement Plan. There also had been a lot of talk in the past <br />year about 165th Street. The Parks Commission’s main focus would be on trails and addressing <br />the community’s desire for more trail connections. A rating system for trails will also be done. <br />Another focus of staff will be better engagement with parks programing. A local affordable <br />housing aid state program will provide direct funding, and the City will need to create a program <br />to spend the money. The new Cannabis law will require new zoning rules, and there will likely <br />be a workshop on that. Cannabis will legally be sold by January 2025. A workshop will need to <br />be held on urban and rural tax rates, and there was also a need to talk about updating the City’s <br />fiscal policies. City facilities also need to be evaluated. Bear said there were no substantial <br />improvements on the radar right now, but there was a need to plan ahead and identify funding. <br />There were questions on the Bernin property and where the City was in the planning process. <br />Bear replied that construction plans were being created, and the City will be applying for an <br />outdoor recreation grant from the DNR. Improvements may be made in 2025. A lot of the work <br />could be done by the Public Works staff, and some funding may come from the Park CIP. <br />The was a discussion on whether any technology and building upgrades were anticipated. Bear <br />talked about touch pads that were added for door access and security cameras that were now in <br />place. Utilities are managed with SCADA software, and the City gets those updates. The Public <br />Works Mechanic was working on a parts inventory and management system. Scanning of <br />Planning and Building Department documents still needed to be done. Community Development <br />Director Rachel Juba added that most documents were now coming in electronically. The <br />upgraded website would be ready by the end of March. Mayor Weidt said he wanted the music