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Council Meeting Minutes for May 6, 2024 <br />Page 11 of 13 <br /> <br />hide solar farms from neighboring residents as compared to what it does on this long narrow strip <br />of land. A lot of townhomes abut this project, and he said he was not sure how you would screen <br />the solar project from tall buildings. He said it would alter the area for the next 20 years. <br /> <br />Klein agreed the ordinance was very robust. He sat on the Ordinance Review Committee with <br />Council Member Miron, and they wanted it to be more robust. He said he agreed with the <br />mayor; it was a unique area with residential buildings all around it. The MUSA was also close <br />by, and that could be hooked into very quickly if the property owners decided to change the <br />zoning. He recalled discussions at the Ordinance Review Committee, and it was not the intent to <br />have a solar farm in the middle of town. He said it was a unique property and thought a solar <br />farm would be better located somewhere else in the community. He said Evan did an excellent <br />job preparing his site plan, and he could understand why the Planning Commission <br />recommended approval, but from a characteristic standpoint, he thought the developer should <br />find a different location in the community. <br /> <br />Petryk was around in 1998 and said it had been a struggle for the residents. She said they <br />sacrificed a great deal of money by being removed from the MUSA and did it because they <br />believed in the area and believed it should be kept preserved. It was very generous with the <br />townhomes for their views. She talked about the green corridor and said 160 acres goes a long <br />way for animals. She said the area has history, functions as parkland for a lot of people, and has <br />done exactly what she hoped it would do. She stated it was not the intent to have something like <br />this put in the neighborhood, and though staff and the Planning Commission did a good job <br />evaluating the project, she could not support it. <br /> <br />Miron commended the applicant saying he put together a good site plan, but the parcel or the <br />history on it can’t be changed. In terms of connections, the site made sense from a utility <br />standpoint. He talked about the establishment of the ten-acre properties, saying the long-term <br />vision for the character of this neighborhood was for it to be set aside. He said the project was <br />not a good fit despite a good attempt. <br /> <br />Strub agreed that it did not fit the character of the neighborhood. He talked about the parcel <br />being empty for so long and was concerned for the landowners’ rights. He said the buyer thinks <br />he had found the best use of the land, and he was concerned about the landowner would be stuck <br />with it. He said everyone loves the view, but they don’t own it. <br /> <br />Weidt asked how long the owner had owned the land. Evan responded that he thought they <br />bought it a year before it was on the market, but they couldn’t sell it. He guessed they owned it <br />for 3-4 years. <br /> <br />Weidt talked about having respect for property rights, and he didn’t think it was purchased as an <br />investment but as a residential property. Unfortunately, they did not move forward and build a <br />house on this lot. He said they likely don’t care about the neighborhood because they don’t live <br />there anymore. He said there are things that just don’t fit in certain locations. <br /> <br />Klein made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2024-18 APPROVING <br />FINDINGS OF FACT DENYING A SITE PLAN AND INTERIM USE PERMIT FOR A <br />SOLAR FARM ON PROPERTY LOCATED EAST OF EVERTON AVENUE NORTH AND <br />NORTH OF 149TH STREET- NORTH.