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Council Meeting Minutes for May 6, 2024 <br />Page 9 of 13 <br /> <br />address them and do it in a way that makes people happy. He talked about other solar panels in <br />the neighborhood saying the only difference was that these were on the ground. He said the City <br />had done a good job protecting the aesthetics of the neighborhood by requiring setbacks. In <br />addition to the vegetation management plan, they also did a tree survey so the impact would be <br />extremely minimal. Evan said the property was outside the MUSA, which he felt was a very <br />important characteristic, along with the owner of the property not being able to put a well and <br />septic on it, so this would be a productive way to utilize the land. A full SWPP was also done. <br />He commented on the City’s requirements that are reflected on the site plan saying they are very <br />robust, and he hoped he could gain respect from people by doing a good job. <br /> <br />Mayor Weidt opened it up for other comments. <br /> <br />John David Udstuen, 15190 Everton Avenue North, stated he was speaking on behalf of the <br />entire neighborhood who are 100% opposed. He said that per the ordinance, the solar farm was <br />to be compatible with the present character of the surrounding area, and this was not compatible. <br />Udstuen said he had countless reason why it was not but would only focus on a few. They have <br />large lots with single family homes and lots of open space with mature trees and wildlife. It’s <br />become a walking area for the surrounding community, and he has had to explain that it was <br />private property to residents who think it is a nature preserve. He said it’s 160 acres with less <br />than two dozen homes, and a very special place. He commented on the City’s part in protecting <br />the land when the Everton Avenue Coalition was created to keep it from development. He talked <br />about the word “AG” being created to preserve and protect the character neighborhoods and keep <br />10-acre minimums. Udstuen described it as a jewel of the community, something to be proud <br />of. He talked about some of the properties being listed as a green corridor according to the Parks <br />Plan. He said that is the true character of the neighborhood, open and undisturbed land. He said <br />the main portion of the request for denial will be presented by Laura. <br /> <br />Laura Syring, 15149 Everton Avenue North, said she has been a resident for the past 21 years. <br />She read a letter that they had sent to the City Council and Mayor addressing their concerns. In <br />the letter, the history of the neighborhood and its residents was provided to show the character of <br />the area. This letter will be retained as part of the official record. <br /> <br />Daniel Skaar, 13857 Geneva Avenue North, had questions to ask. He wanted to know if the City <br />was under any renewable mandate; who was getting/buying the power and what was the <br />contract; were there output goals, power purchase agreements, and performance guarantees; what <br />would happen if he couldn’t get these agreements with Xcel; and was there a substation on this <br />property. He noted the property was adjacent to a power line. He said he had done a lot of solar <br />projects in California, and he found this location to be a bit awkward. He said it would be helpful <br />to see some analog from other municipalities that have put this type of solar array in this type of <br />environment. <br /> <br />Carlson responded to some of the questions explaining this would be a community solar garden, <br />and when they put power in the grid, they get grid credits rather than selling it right to a utility. <br />There was no substation and would go right into the line that goes into people’s houses. The bill <br />credit was then sold to people, known as subscribers, who don’t have a good spot for solar <br />panels. He explained how it was different than the utility scale development that plugs into the <br />transmission lines, which is a federal interconnection process. He said that it was different than <br />community solar, which provided solar to people that do not have a good spot. Carlson said they