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Resolution 2024-24 <br /> Page 2 <br /> 6. The access to the school will be from CR 57/Keller Avenue and is controlled and <br /> managed by Washington County. The applicant has been working with Washington <br /> County on the access location and intersection improvements that will include <br /> corresponding turn lanes. The school has adequate road access. <br /> 7. There is floodplain is located on the north east portion of the site and is not proposed <br /> to be impacted. <br /> 8. The use is not proposing to create dangers downstream or block bridges, culverts, or <br /> other hydraulic structures. <br /> 9. The proposed use will not damage or reduce the benefits the public received from <br /> public waters. They are not proposing any impacts to wetlands or water bodies. <br /> 10. The proposed use is not proposing to have access to a waterbody. <br /> 11. The building addition is not located in the shoreland overlay district. <br /> 12. The project is not proposing any wetland impacts. <br /> Conditions: <br /> 1. A site plan is approved to allow construction of an approximately 33,500 square foot <br /> square foot addition with the plans dated March 6, 2024, March 29, 2024, and April <br /> 29, 2024. <br /> 2. The applicant shall obtain all necessary local, state, and federal permits. <br /> 3. The site plan and CUP is subject to approval by May Township for the stormwater <br /> facilities and septic system located on May Township. If not approved, the plan will <br /> need to be revised to relocate the stormwater facilities and septic system. The plans <br /> shall be reviewed and approved by the City. <br /> 4. The applicant shall preserve as many trees along County Road 57/Keller Avenue as <br /> they can. The applicant shall include additional landscaping around the parking areas <br /> and along Keller Avenue. The landscape plan shall be reviewed and approved by <br /> staff. <br /> 5. The plans shall be revised to show proof of parking. The parking shall be constructed <br /> at any time deemed necessity by the City. The revised plan shall be reviewed and <br /> approved by staff. <br /> 6. The plans shall be revised to move the new proposed parking area to the north. The <br /> plan shall be reviewed and approved by staff. <br /> 7. The applicant shall enter into a development agreement with the City including <br /> financial securities for the public improvements required. <br />