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2024.06.03 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2024 CC Minutes
2024.06.03 CC Minutes
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7/1/2024 4:53:26 PM
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7/1/2024 4:53:19 PM
City Council
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Council Meeting Minutes for June 3, 2024 <br />Page 9 of 11 <br /> <br />Rebecca talked about the life estate on the occupied property saying it was for the family, and <br />there was a 30-year commitment before removing the buildings. She said they did want to keep <br />their current access but it was not allowed by Washington County. She stated there would be <br />room for queueing in the parking lot so there would be no cars on the road. They currently bus <br />between two buildings but will eventually do more. If a student abuses their driving privilege, <br />they would remove their rights to drive to school, but they have had no problem with student <br />drivers. Mike Brandt from Kimley Horn and Associates talked more about queueing saying there <br />would be approximately room for 60 vehicles on site at a minimum. Rebecca explained the drop <br />off and pick up patterns. <br /> <br />Weidt talked about access off 122nd Street and Juba confirmed that the City could not force May <br />Township to provide it. Weidt stated that the only other place the City could provide it would be <br />through existing property where people were living. The only access allowed off 122nd Street <br />was an emergency access with a gate. <br /> <br />Miron commented on the lighting and compared it to the City Hall parking lot, which is not on a <br />timer. He questioned whether that would be more effective than a set time. <br /> <br />Weidt agreed there needed to be a different type of lighting and said he would like to see that as <br />a requirement. He said he could not see how the City of Hugo could require the road anywhere <br />but off Keller Avenue, and he liked the requirement to add 30 feet to the parking lot setback and <br />additional screening. <br /> <br />Klein commented that Washington County had the City’s hands tied, and May Township would <br />need to be willing to allow a septic and a driveway to be put there. He agreed with the lights <br />being adjusted and changes to the parking lot. <br /> <br />Strub talked about the speed limit and whether it could be changed. Erichson responded that it <br />was a County Road, and the City did not have jurisdiction. There could be further discussions <br />with the County on school signs. <br /> <br />Weidt said he could see no other solution, and he encouraged Liberty to be sure the traffic flows <br />correctly. <br /> <br />Klein made motion, Strub seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2024-24 APPROVING A SITE <br />PLAN, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR <br />LIBERTY CLASSICAL ACADEMY SCHOOL TO ALLOW AN ADDITION ON THE <br />EXISTING SCHOOL LOCATED AT 10158 122ND STREET NORTH, with the addition of <br />improved lighting plan, moving the parking lot north and providing adequate landscaping at the <br />discretion of staff. <br /> <br />Klein commented that he had heard a lot of support for the school and talked about the <br />challenges schools face. He encouraged the school and neighbors to find a way to be more <br />engaged moving forward. <br /> <br />Miron added that he was glad the project was a school and thinks the school was a supported <br />activity there. He commented that the site was unique and there were complexities to the design
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