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3. Planning or zoning applications related to cannabinoid products or applications from <br /> individuals, establishments, organizations, or businesses involved in the proposed sale, <br /> testing, manufacturing, or distribution of cannabinoid products within the City of Hugo shall <br /> not be accepted or considered from the effective date of this ordinance until January 1,2025. <br /> 4. This moratorium does not apply to the sale of edible cannabinoid products as defined in <br /> section 151.72, subdivision 1,paragraph(f)in exclusive liquor stores. <br /> SECTION 4. STUDY. The City Council directs City staff to study the need for local regulation regarding <br /> the sale, testing, manufacturing, or distribution of cannabinoid products within the City of Hugo. Staff <br /> must also study the need for creating or amending zoning ordinances, licensing ordinances, or any other <br /> ordinances to protect the citizens of Hugo from any potential negative impacts of cannabinoid products. <br /> Upon completion of the study,the City Council,together with such commission as the City Council deems <br /> appropriate, or as may be required by law, will consider the advisability of adopting new ordinances or <br /> amending its current ordinances. <br /> SECTION 5. ENFORCEMENT. The City may enforce this Ordinance by mandamus, injunctive <br /> relief, or other appropriate civil remedy in any court of competent jurisdiction. The City Council hereby <br /> authorizes the City Manager, in consultation with the City Attorney, to initiate any legal action deemed <br /> necessary to secure compliance with this Ordinance. A violation of this Ordinance is also subject to the <br /> City's general penalty in City Code § Sec. 1 -18 subd. (b). <br /> SECTION 6. TERM. Unless earlier rescinded by the City Council, the moratorium established under this <br /> Ordinance shall remain in effect from its effective date until January 1, 2025, at which point, it will <br /> automatically expire. <br /> SECTION 7. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its <br /> passage by the City Council. <br /> This ordinance is effective upon adoption. <br /> ADOPTED by the City Council this 5t'day of August <br /> om Weidt,Mayor <br /> ATTEST: <br /> khe-le <br /> Lindau, City Clerk <br />