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RESOLUTION 2024-48 <br /> CITY OF HUGO <br /> COUNTY OF WASHINGTON <br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA <br /> A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF HUGO <br /> TO PARTICIPATE IN THE MINNESOTA GREENSTEP CITIES PROGRAM <br /> WHEREAS, Minnesota GreenStep Cities is a voluntary challenge, assistance and recognition program to <br /> help cities achieve their sustainability and quality-of-life goals. GreenStep is a free, continuous <br /> improvement program,managed by a State agency-non-profit partnership,and based upon 29 best <br /> practices. Each best practice can be implemented by completing one or more actions at a 1,2 or 3-star <br /> level, from a list of four to eight actions. These actions are tailored to all Minnesota cities, focus on cost <br /> savings and energy use reduction, and encourage civic innovation; and <br /> WHEREAS, local governments have the unique opportunity to achieve both energy use and greenhouse <br /> gas reductions and cost savings through building and facilities management; land use and transportation <br /> planning; environmental management; and through economic and community development; and <br /> WHEREAS, steps taken toward sustainable solutions aim to improve community quality of life,building <br /> community capital and increasing government efficiency, accountability and transparency; and <br /> WHEREAS, a broad coalition of public and private stakeholders including the League of Minnesota <br /> Cities,the MPCA, Office of Energy Security and CERTs responded to the 2008 legislation by <br /> establishing the Minnesota GreenStep Cities program to provide a series of sustainable development best <br /> practices focusing on local government opportunities to reduce energy use and greenhouse gases; and <br /> WHEREAS,the Minnesota GreenStep Cities program assists in facilitating technical assistance for the <br /> implementation of these sustainable development best practices; and <br /> WHEREAS,the Minnesota GreenStep Cities program provides cost-effective sustainable development <br /> best practices in the following five categories: (1)Buildings and Lighting; (2)Transportation; (3)Land <br /> Use; (4)Environmental Management; and(5)Economic and Community Development; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE,be it resolved that the City Council of the City of Hugo does hereby authorize the <br /> City of Hugo (the City)to participate in the Minnesota GreenStep Cities program that offers a free, <br /> voluntary continuous improvement framework.Passage of this participation resolution allows the City to <br /> be recognized as a Step One GreenStep City by the League of Minnesota Cities.Be it further resolved <br /> that the City: <br />