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Resolution 2024-50 <br /> Page 3 <br /> Proposed Property Descriptions <br /> Parcel A <br /> That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 34,Township 31 North,Range 21 West,Washington County,Minnesota,described as follows: <br /> Commencing at the intersection of the center line of Henna Avenue North and the North line of the South 300 feet of the North 1050.25 feet of the <br /> Northeast Quarter of said Northwest Quarter;thence Southerly,along said centeriine,0.82 feet;thence Southeasterly,along a tangential curve to <br /> the left having a radius of 152.22 feet and a central angle of 76 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds,a distance of 203.24 feet;thence South 76 degrees <br /> 01 minutes 32 seconds East,assumed bearing,along the center line of 128th Street North,195.38 feet to the point of beginning;thence <br /> Southwesterly at a right angle to said center line 110.08 feet to the South line of said South 300 feet of the North 1050.25 feet of the Northeast <br /> Quarter of the Northwest Quarter;thence North 89 degrees 42 minutes 38 seconds West,along the South line of the North 1050.25 feet of said <br /> Northwest Quarter,1589.81 feet to the West line of said Northwest Quarter;thence South 00 degrees 13 minutes 46 seconds West,along said West <br /> line,602.57 feet to the Northwest comer of the South 990.00 feet of the Southwest Quarter of said Northwest Quarter;thence South 89 degrees 40 <br /> minutes 39 seconds East,along the North line of said South 990.00 feet,a distance of 910.00 feet; thence North 00 degrees 13 minutes 46 <br /> seconds East 263.00 feet;thence South 89 degrees 40 minutes 39 seconds East 624.39 feet;thence North 39 degrees 48 minutes 20 seconds East <br /> 235.96 feet;thence South 88 degrees 30 minutes 37 seconds East 300 feet,more or less,to the West line of the plat of ROYALHAVEN ESTATES <br /> 2ND;thence Northerly,along said West line,182 feet,more or less,to an angle point in said West line;thence Northwesterly,along said West line, <br /> 380 feet,more or less,to the point of beginning. <br /> AND <br /> That part of the following described parcel: <br /> That part of the South 632.50 feet of the North 1050.25 feet of the Northwest Quarter of Section 34,Township 31,Range 21 In Washington County, <br /> Minnesota,lying Southerly and Westerly of a line hereinafter referred to as"Line A"described as follows: <br /> Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Henna Avenue North and the North line of the South 632.50 feet of the North 1050.25 feet of <br /> said Northwest Quarter;thence South 0 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds West(assumed bearing)on said centerllne of Henna Avenue North, <br /> 332.32 feet;thence Southeasterly on a tangential curve to the left having a radius of 152.22 feet for a distance of 203.24 feet;thence South <br /> 76 degrees 27 minutes 30 seconds East along the centerline of 128th Street North 195.38 feet;thence Southwesterly at right angles and to <br /> the South line of said South 632.50 feet of the North 1050.25 feet of the Northwest Quarter and said line there terminating. <br /> Which lies southeasterly of a line described as follows: <br /> Commencing at southwest corner of said South 632.50 feet of the North 1050.25 feet of the Northwest Quarter;thence Easterly along said South <br /> line of the South 632.50 feet of the North 1050.25 feet of the Northwest Quarter,a distance of 986.81 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be <br /> described;thence deflecting to the left 32 degrees 21 minutes 23 seconds a distance of 410.35 feet,more or less,to the aforementioned"Line A" <br /> and said line there terminating. <br /> Subject to Henna Avenue North and 128th Street North. <br /> Parcel B <br /> That part of the South 632.50 feet of the North 1050.25 feet of the Northwest Quarter of Section 34,Township 31,Range 21 in Washington County, <br /> Minnesota,lying Southerly and Westerly of a line hereinafter referred to as"Line A"described as follows: <br /> Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Henna Avenue North and the North line of the South 632.50 feet of the North 1050.25 feet of said <br /> Northwest Quarter;thence South 0 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds West(assumed bearing)on said centerllne of Henna Avenue North,332.32 feet; <br /> thence Southeasterly on a tangential curve to the left having a radius of 152.22 feet for a distance of 203.24 feet;thence South 76 degrees 27 <br /> minutes 30 seconds East along the centerline of 128th Street North 195.38 feet;thence Southwesterly at right angles and to the South line of said <br /> South 632.50 feet of the North 1050.25 feet of the Northwest Quarter and said line there terminating. <br /> Except for that part which lies southeasterly of a line described as follows: <br /> Commencing at southwest comer of said South 632.50 feet of the North 1050.25 feet of the Northwest Quarter;thence Easterly along said South line <br /> of the South 632.50 feet of the North 1050.25 feet of the Northwest Quarter,a distance of 986.81 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be <br /> described;thence deflecting to the left 32 degrees 21 minutes 23 seconds a distance of 410.35 feet,more or less,to the aforementioned"Line A" <br /> and said line there terminating. <br /> Subject to Henna Avenue North and 128th Street North. <br />