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Council Meeting Minutes for October 7, 2024 <br />Page 5 of 8 <br /> <br />Notice of Assessment Hearing had been published in the official newspaper and mailed to the <br />owners of each parcel described in the assessment roll at least two weeks prior to the hearing. <br /> <br />City Engineer Mark Erichson provided background on previous meetings held with the residents <br />on the road project and Council actions. He explained that Heather and Upper Heather Avenue <br />were complete reconstruction projects, and 125th was a reclamation project. He showed before <br />and after photos of the project areas. The total projects cost was $2,877,000. City funds were <br />used to pay for $2,618,500 of the cost, and $258,500 was assessed to benefiting property owners, <br />which was less than ten percent of the total project costs. According to the City’s assessment <br />policy, parcels receiving the complete reconstruction were assessed $5,200 per unit, and those <br />receiving the reclamation project were assessed $3,500 per unit. Mark showed on a map the area <br />being assessed and explained how corner lots were prorated, and larger lots were assessed based <br />on the number of units that could be created according to zoning. He talked about the MN Statute <br />that governs the process for assessments saying this evening would be the second of two required <br />public hearings. <br /> <br />Assessments would be spread over ten years at 5.10 percent interest rate. They could be prepaid <br />by November 6, 2024. After that, assessments would be certified to the County for taxes payable <br />in 2025. The property owner could pay the remaining balance in any subsequent year by <br />November 15. He explained there was a senior citizen deferral if hardship criteria was met. He <br />requested the Council hold the public hearing and approved the resolution adopting the <br />assessments. <br /> <br />Mayor Weidt opened the public hearing. There were no comments, and Weidt closed the public <br />hearing. <br /> <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2024 – 46 ADOPTING <br />ASSESSMENTS FOR THE 2024 125TH STREET AND DELLWOOD RIDGE STREET <br />IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT. <br /> <br />Upon Roll Call- <br />Ayes: Klein, Miron, Petryk, Strub, Weidt <br />Nays: None <br />Motion carried. <br /> <br />Recap of Workshop on Solar Farms and Residential Zoning Text Amendments <br /> <br />A joint workshop was held on Thursday, September 19, 2024, with the Planning Commission to <br />discuss the solar farm ordinance and residential zoning standards. Community Development <br />Director Rachel Juba provided Council with a recap of the meeting beginning with the history of <br />the City’s ordinance and concerns residents had about solar farms changing the character of the <br />area. There was discussion about increasing the required parcel size, setbacks, and locating them <br />on wetlands and floodplains. There was agreement to send the ordinance back to the Ordinance <br />Review Committee. <br /> <br />An ordinance text amendment prohibiting solar farms had been tabled at the July 15, 2024, <br />Council meeting. Staff recommended they take it off the table and withdraw the application, <br />have the ordinance reviewed by the ORC, and hold a public hearing at the Planning Commission.