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<br />G.11 Approve Ordinance Amending the Controlled Shooting Area Map <br /> <br />At its June 3, 2024, meeting, Council authorized staff to draft an amendment to the Shooting <br />Ordinance to update the Controlled Shooting Area Map. This map was adopted as part of the <br />Shooting Ordinance in May, 2010, and identifies areas in the City where there are restrictions on <br />shooting. Staff has amended the map to expand the controlled shooting area to include properties <br />that have since been developed with neighborhood homes and parks. Staff recommends Council <br />approve the amendment to the Shooting Ordinance revising the Controlled Shooting Area Map. <br /> <br />G.12 Approve Reduction in Letter of Credit for Meadows at Hugo 2nd Addition <br /> <br />Meadows at Hugo 2nd Addition has had significant work completed to date and Centra Homes, <br />LLC is requesting a reduction in the letter of credit. The current letter of credit for the <br />2nd Addition is in the amount of $1,008,735. Staff has inspected the work completed to date and <br />recommends reducing the letter of credit by $907,862 based on the value of work remaining to be <br />completed. The remaining value of the letter of credit will be in the amount of $100,873, which is <br />10% of the original amount. Staff recommends Council approve the reduction in the letter of credit <br />for Meadows at Hugo 2nd Addition. <br /> <br />G.13 Approve Reduction in Letter of Credit for The Shores of Oneka 3rd and 4th Additions <br /> <br />The Shores of Oneka 3rd and 4th Additions have had significant work completed to date and the <br />developer is requesting a reduction in the letter of credit for both the 3rd and 4th Additions. The <br />current letter of credit for the 3rd Addition is in the amount of $3,567,600. Staff has inspected the <br />work completed to date and recommends Council approve the reduction in the letter of credit to <br />$356,760 based on the value of work remaining to be completed. The current letter of credit for <br />the 4th Addition is in the amount of $738,905. Staff has inspected the work completed to date and <br />recommends Council approve the reduction in the letter of credit to $81,267 based on the value of <br />work remaining to be completed. <br /> <br />H.1 Proposed Assessments for 2024 125th Street and Dellwood Ridge Neighborhood Street <br />Project <br /> <br />On April 15, 2024, City Council awarded the contract for the 2024 125th Street and Dellwood <br />Ridge Street Improvements Project to Dresel Contracting. At the September 3, 2024, regular <br />Council meeting, the Council adopted a resolution declaring costs to be assessed for the 2024 125th <br />Street and Dellwood Ridge Street Improvements Project and scheduled the assessment hearing on <br />the proposed assessments for October 7, 2024. The Notice of Assessment Hearing has been <br />published in the official newspaper and mailed to the owners of each parcel described in the <br />assessment roll at least two weeks prior to the hearing. As part of the assessment hearing, staff <br />will give a PowerPoint presentation identifying the improvements, costs and detail payment <br />options. Staff recommends Council approve the resolution adopting assessments for the 2024 <br />125th Street and Dellwood Ridge Street Improvements Project. <br /> <br />I.1 Recap of Workshop on Solar Farms and Residential Zoning Text Amendments <br /> <br />A joint workshop was held on Thursday, September 19, 2024, with the Planning Commission to <br />discuss the solar farm ordinance and residential zoning text amendments. Staff will provide <br />Council a recap of that meeting.