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CONSTRUCTION UPDATECONSTRUCTION UPDATE <br />The Shores of Oneka Lake <br />The Shores of Oneka Lake neighborhood has been growing since <br />construction began in early 2023. 64 lots created with the first and <br />second additions are nearing completion, while the 3rd addition and <br />its 77 lots are under construction. The preliminary plat had included <br />the 4th addition as 24 twin home lots, but these were changed to <br />25 lots with a more narrow, detached product with a Planned Unit <br />Development (PUD) amendment in 2024. <br />Oneka Fields Apartments <br />The Shores of Oneka Lake general plan had included an area with <br />apartments on a parcel at the entrance to the development, coming <br />in from the roundabout on 159th Street. In the summer of 2024, the <br />City received a proposal to construct five 12-unit apartment buildings <br />on this parcel, to be known as “Oneka Fields.” Each building is two <br />stories high, and each unit will have its own driveway and entrance. <br />The form of these apartment buildings will be similar to the Jack Pine <br />Place apartments west of Lions Volunteer Park. The proposal was ap- <br />proved by the City Council on August 5, 2024, and construction is <br />anticipated to begin before the end of this year. <br />Watercrest of Hugo <br />The City Council approved the 1st and 2nd additions for a develop- <br />ment known as Watercrest of Hugo on February 5, 2024. The devel- <br />opment would create 59 single-family lots on property located south <br />of the Birch Tree Ponds and east of the Adelaide Landing develop- <br />ments. Grading and utility work is underway, with home construction <br />anticipated to begin in late 2024. <br />Oneka Prairie <br />A final plat was approved in June 2023 for the construction of 59 <br />single-family lots to be known as Oneka Prairie. The development is <br />located north of the Oneka Place neighborhood and includes a new <br />park, an extension of Oneka Parkway, and a new lift station that will <br />expand development opportunities to surrounding parcels. Nearly <br />half of the homes within the development have been completed as <br />of August 2024. <br />Premier Banks Relocation <br />In September 2022, the City Council approved a site plan to construct <br />a new 4,500 square foot commercial building at the northwest corner <br />of Highway 61 and 147th Street. The building will be the new home <br />of the Hugo branch of Premier Banks, which is currently located ad- <br />jacent to Speedway gas station. Construction on the new building <br />began in the summer of 2023, and the new bank building opened to <br />the public in the spring of 2024. <br />The Meadows at Hugo 2nd Addition <br />The Meadows at Hugo development, located north of 159th Street, <br />was approved with a PUD in 2021, with flexibility allowing for lots <br />that are smaller and narrower than what is typically seen within <br />the city. The first addition with 47 lots was approved in 2021 and has <br />nearly completed construction. The second addition, with an addi- <br />tional 39 lots, was approved in August of 2022, and construction <br />on homes has begun this year. <br />Residential Zoning Code Review <br />The Community Development Department is currently in the process <br />of studying the zoning code as it relates to residential zoning <br />districts. The study is being led by the City’s consultants at Landform <br />Professional Services, and includes an evaluation of single-family, <br />multi-family, and mixed-use zoning language and geographic <br />considerations. The study will include public engagement opportunities <br />in late 2024 and early 2025. <br />Questions? <br />Please contact Rachel Juba, <br />Community Development Director <br />651-762-6304 <br />5 <br />and Forget Itand Forget It <br />Residents Only: <br />Bring up to 5 bags of papers with confidential and personal information to be shredded. <br />We are offering FREE paper shredding events in the City Hall parking lot. <br /> Friday, October 4, 2024 8:00 am – 10:00 am