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Letter from the Mayor <br />(cont’d) <br />The other important pillar of community safety is law <br />enforcement, which is provided by the Washington <br />County Sheriff’s Office. Our partnership with Wash- <br />ington County provides an excellent level of law <br />enforcement service at a greatly reduced cost, as <br />opposed to running a municipal police department. <br />The resources available to us at the county level offer <br />Hugo residents additional services and investigate <br />cases that involve coordination with agencies all <br />across the country. <br />The dedicated deputies that serve Hugo have been <br />valuable members of the community, taking the time <br />to establish a connection with the residents they <br />serve and protect. For the past few years, the Hugo <br />deputies consisted of six patrol deputies, an investi- <br />gator, and a sergeant who leads the team. <br />In order to accommodate the growing needs of our <br />population, the City Council decided to expand the <br />partnership with Washington County and add a <br />seventh deputy to our team. <br />There have been some new faces within the past <br />few years, so I would like to take the opportunity to <br />introduce the Hugo deputies to you now. Join me <br />in extending my gratitude to the people that work <br />hard to make Hugo a great place to live! <br />Tom Weidt, Mayor <br />A WORD FROM PUBLIC WORKS <br />3 <br />Pet Waste <br />Pollutants from improperly <br />disposed pet waste may be <br />washed into storm sewers by <br />rain or melting snow. When <br />pet waste is washed into lakes <br />or streams the waste decays, <br />using up oxygen and some- <br />times releasing ammonia. <br />Low oxygen levels and ammonia combined with warm tempera- <br />tures can kill fish. Most importantly, pet waste carries diseases <br />which make water unsafe for swimming and drinking. <br />Pet wastes may not be the largest or most toxic pollutant in urban <br />waterways, but it is one of the many little sources of pollution that <br />add up to a big problem. Fortunately there are some things we <br />can all do to help keep our water clean. It’s pet owner’s respon- <br />sibility to “scoop the poop” but it’s a small price to pay to protect <br />our water quality. <br />(Ordinance No. 2023-520 Sec 10-38) <br />Grass Clippings <br />The City maintains many stormwater ponds, control structures, <br />ditches, and wetlands. We ask residents to help us keep these <br />features in good condition, please do not blow grass clippings <br />into the roadways or stormwater ponds. These clippings <br />decompose and turn into phosphorus which causes algae blooms <br />in the ponds. <br />If you live on a stormwater feature and you notice a structure is <br />plugged please call (651) 762-6301 so maintenance crews can <br />remove the obstruction. <br />Watering Restrictions What Are They? <br />Property owners within the City using water from the <br />municipal water system may only water lawns, trees or other <br />vegetation on an odd-even basis. Specifically, property <br />addresses which end in an odd number may only water on <br />odd calendar days. <br />Properties having addresses which end in an even number <br />may only water on even calendar days. An exemption from the <br />odd-even restriction of up to 30 days is available for new sod, <br />seed, or plantings. You may call Hugo City Hall at (651) 762-6300 <br />to be added to a 30-day exemption list. <br />DISPOSABLE WIPES <br />We need your help! <br /> <br />Disposable wipes cause major problems when flushed down toilets. <br />Because they don’t break down the way toilet paper does, these <br />wipes clog homeowner and municipal sewer pipes, put stress on <br />community wastewater collection equipment, and cause cities to <br />spend thousands of dollars on premature <br />equipment repair and replacement. <br />Your help in this matter <br />is greatly appreciated <br />by your Public Works <br />Department! <br />MEET YOUR HUGO DEPUTIESON NEXT PAGES!