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MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE HUGO PLANNING COMMISSION <br /> APRIL 9, 1974 <br /> The public hearing for Richard Vail' s subdivision was opened at <br /> 7:40 P.M. by acting chairman, Vern Peloquin. Mr. Peloquin read <br /> the public hearing notice published in the Forest Lake Times; <br /> Bill Schwab said he sent soil information to Mr. McMier but he <br /> has not received a report from him as yet. He said this subdi- <br /> vision does not conform to zoning ordinance, comprehensive land <br /> use plan, and is outside sewer district. <br /> Harley Johnson and Dave Norden opposed to four lots. Dan Spitzer <br /> stated that we have not received a report from the Rice Creek Water- <br /> shed. <br /> Mrs . Peltier objected to dividing this property into four lots. <br /> Public Hearing was closed at 8:04 P.M. <br /> The meeting was called to order at 8:05 P.M. by Co-chairman, <br /> Bob Rosenquist. Members present were: Spitzer, Johnson, Norden, <br /> Peloquin and Rosenquist - ( Jim Leroux arrived at 9:10 P.M. ) . Also <br /> present were Bill Schwab, City Planning Consultant, and Irene Leroux, <br /> City Council member. <br /> Motion made by Spitzer, seconded by Norden, to approve minutes of <br /> March 27, 1974 meeting. Motion carfied. <br /> RICHARD VAIL SUBDIVISION <br /> Motion made by Spitzer, seconded by Peloquin, thattthe matter of <br /> Richard Vail's Subdivision be tabled until the next meeting. Motion <br /> carried. <br /> ROBERT SEVERSON'S VARIANCE <br /> Motion made by Spitzer, seconded by Norden, that the variance presented <br /> by Severson for the Beisange property be recommended for approval <br /> subject to submission of proof of ownership of property and the proper <br /> recording of the necessary easement of the private road. <br /> Members fors Rosenquist, Peloquin, Spitzer, Norden, Johnson - No. <br /> Motion Carried. <br /> HERBERT PECKMAN'S SPECIAL USE PERMIT <br /> Motion made by Spitzer, seconded by Peloquin, to table the Peckman <br /> Special Use Permit matter until further data is available. Motion <br /> Carried. <br />