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MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE HUGO PLANNING COMMISSION <br /> OCTOBER 8, 1974 <br /> The meeting was called to order at 8:18 P.M. by Chairman Larry <br /> Ehret. Members present were Johnson, Ehret, Leroux, Peloquin, <br /> Rosenquist and Schletty. <br /> Motion made by Rosenquist, seconded by Peloquin, to dispense <br /> with the reading of the minuts. Motion made by Peloquin, ' <br /> seconded by Rosenquist, to approve the minutes of the September <br /> 25, 1974 meeting after the following change: Motion carried. <br /> Seconded paragraph in the Creager Item should read: <br /> blacktop the road and culde-sac. <br /> Motion made by Peloquin, seconded by Johnson, to reverse the <br /> order of the agenda. Motion carried. <br /> MR. KAPHINGST - GEORGE WENZEL PROPERTY <br /> Mr. Kaphingst the realestate agent for Mr. Wenzel wanted to <br /> know the best way to sell Mr. Wenzel' s property. The property <br /> is in RR1 and Conservancy. The major portion of the property <br /> 41011 is in Conservancy. The Planning Commission suggested that <br /> he wait until after the meeting of October 17, 1974 before he <br /> takes any action. He was also told to get some soil borings <br /> and percolation test on some of the areas he thinks there might <br /> be buildable sites. Peloquin suggested that at the Public <br /> Hearing that he state that they do not want to zoned Conservancy <br /> and be able to prove that you have buildable sites. <br /> Mr. KaphingstWaittelito know if this would ever be zoned <br /> commercial. Mr. Ehret stated that it is not probable in the <br /> zoning at this time. <br /> BARTON MINING - MINING PERMIT RENEWAL <br /> Mr. Ehret read letter from Howard Kuusisto regarding Barton <br /> Mining Permit. The Planning Commission discussed the troubles <br /> they have had with other mining permits in the area. <br /> Motion made by Rosenquist, seconded by Peloquin, that we table <br /> the matter of the Barton Mining Permit until a representative <br /> can be at the meeting before we take any action so we can find <br /> out their intentions. The secretary is instructed to notify <br /> them of such. <br /> Members for: Leroux, Peloquin, Schletty, Ehret, Johnson and <br /> RosOnquist. Motion carried. <br /> L Motion made by Johnson, seconded by Peloquin, that we adjourn <br /> the meeting at 8:50 P.M. Motion carried. <br /> Marie Jansen, Secretary <br /> Hugo Planning Commission <br />