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MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS <br /> OF THE <br /> HUGO PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING <br /> APRIL 25 , 1973 <br /> The meeting was called to order at 8:20 PM by Craig Paulson, appointed <br /> chairman for the evening. Mr. Paulson appointed Mayor Lynn Carlson as <br /> chairman for the Public Hearing, which opened at 8:25 PM. Jim Houle, <br /> secretary for the Planning Commission, read aloud the notice of pub- <br /> lic hearing which had beenpublished in the White Bear Press. Mayor <br /> Carlson then introduced members of the Commission, Craig Paulson, <br /> Larry Ehret, Harley Johnson, and Jim Leroux, and also the planning con- <br /> sultants for the Village, Carl Dale and Bob Ei dem of Design Planning <br /> Associates, Inc . <br /> Carl Dale began a brief introduction by stating that the Comprehensive <br /> Plan is basicly that of the professional judgement of the consultants, <br /> andif the public doesn't agree with their ideas, they should speak up <br /> and let the Council and Planning Commission know how they feel. He said <br /> what they are definitely not proposing for Hugo is to be something like <br /> Roseville ,Richfield, Bloomington, etc . The Village should be more like <br /> Lake Elmo, Scott County, etc, where every square inch is developed in <br /> some way, beneficial to the community. Mistakes had been made in other <br /> communities, because only in the last five years has planning been taken <br /> seriously by suburban communities. <br /> Mr. Dale then referred to a map (copy on last page) when he told the pub- <br /> lic that instead of Hugo developing radially, it should be developed in <br /> corridors from North to South, with the Western one third (1/3) of the <br /> Village remaining urban, and. the Eastern two thirds (2/3) remaining <br /> essentially as it is today. The Western one third , or the old village <br /> g <br /> area, would remain urban with community facilities and improvements such <br /> as sewer, water, storm sewer, etc . , and the Eastern two thirds would <br /> remain rural, with low density population, gun clubs, game farms, etc. <br /> The Eastern portion should be retained rural even if it means new legis- <br /> lative action. This would keep public improvement needs and land owners' <br /> expense to a minimum. <br /> The main transportation corridor from St. Paul and White Bear Lake <br /> would be Highway # 61 through Hugo. The area could never expect to have <br /> mass transit, as people are too spread out. <br /> Commercial areas, as seen on the map, would be South of town, a special- <br /> ty center in town, one North on # 61, and one West. As Highway # 61 <br /> developes it should be a mixture of uses, a corridor developement. An <br /> example of this would be Highway # 12 from Johnson Parkway out. There ' s <br /> residential and_ business. <br /> Mr. Dale ended his presentation by saying that with their plan, the <br /> community can save wildlife, promote ecology, preserve rural areas, and <br /> still give the urban center their needs. <br />