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HUGO PLANNING PROGRESS REPORT FOR NOVEMBER <br /> November 29 , 1972 <br /> MEMORANDUM <br /> To : Hugo Village Council <br /> From : Design Planning Associates , Inc . <br /> Subject : Progress Report on Hugo Comprehensive Planning Program <br /> Activities of the Planning Consultant for the month of November were <br /> primarily confined to the Goals , Policy , and Standards phase of the <br /> program. A planning questionnaire was prepared for public distri - <br /> bution at the Hugo public meeting on the Village plan which was <br /> held on November 8th at the Hugo Elementary School . (This public <br /> meeting served as the study meeting for November . ) These question- <br /> naires , when filled out and returned , are to provide citizen input <br /> and direction in the formulation of community goals and policy. <br /> The public planning meeting held on November 8th produced a good <br /> turnout of concerned citizens . (Approximately 150 persons . ) <br /> The verbal input of the residents was quite helpful , although <br /> heavily directed in the areas of sewers , assessments , etc . There <br /> seems to be great concern by the people as to whom is going to pay <br /> how much for future utility services . The number of questionnaires <br /> returned thus far is very disappointing . (As of this date only <br /> twelve questionnaires have been returned . ) Hopefully , more will be <br /> returned in early December in order that more concrete direction in <br /> forming goals might be achieved . <br /> Consultant planner met with Mr. Howard Kuusisto , Village Engineer , <br /> on November 7th to discuss the timetable for the provision of sewer <br /> service to various sections of the Village . The availability of <br /> expanded public water service was also discussed . Mr. Kuusisto <br /> was kind enough to loan us his sewer service area map in order that <br /> it could be used at the public meeting . The engineer ' s plans will <br /> also be considered in developing the Comprehensive Plan for Hugo . <br /> Activities of the consultant in December will be primarily devoted <br /> to tabulating the questionnaires and arriving at a concensus of <br /> final goals and policy with the Planning Commission . The December 13th <br /> Planning Commission study meeting will be devoted to finalizing <br /> goals , plus discussing the need for staging (phasing) Hugo ' s growth <br /> with a member of the Twin Cities Metropolitan Council staff. <br />