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2001.02.05 ORD 2001-346
City Council
City Council Ordinances
2001 CC Ordinances
2001.02.05 ORD 2001-346
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CITY OF HUGO <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2001 - 346 <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 221 (PARKS, RECREATION, AND OPEN SPACE <br />COMMISSION) OF THE CITY CODE BY INCREASING THE MEMBERSHIP FROM SEVEN <br />COMMISSIONERS TO NINE COMMISSIONERS <br />THE CITY OF HUGO ORDAINS: <br />Section 1. Deleting existing Subd. A and subd. B of Section 211.5 and replace it with the <br />following. <br />Section 2. Amendment of City Code. Hugo City Code, Chapter 221.5, Subd. A, as it relates to <br />the organization and membership of the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Commission, is hereby amended <br />to read as follows: <br />Subd. A. The Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Commission shall consist of seven voting members, <br />all eligible voters in the City. In addition to the seven voting members, there shall be two ex -officio <br />members to serve as representatives of the Planning Commission and City Council. One ex -officio <br />member shall be appointed by and from the City Council, and one member shall be appointed by and <br />from the Planning Commission. All voting members shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to a <br />approval by a quorum of the City Council. Consideration in making appointments shall be given to <br />having one or more residents residing in each ward and school district, though representation from <br />each ward and school district is not required. <br />Subd. B. Ex -officio members appointed from the City Council and Planning Commission shall <br />be appointed annually for one-year terms. All voting members appointed by the Mayor with <br />Council approval shall be appointed for staggered three-year terms ending on March 31St of each <br />year. Terms of office shall be staggered such that no more than three (3) members' terms shall <br />expire in any one (1) year. <br />Section 3. Effective Date. This amendment shall take effect upon its passage and publication <br />according to law. <br />WHEREUPON said ordinance was declared passed and adopted this 5th day of February, 2001. <br />r11 <br />Mayor <br />ATTEST: <br />Mary 60 Creager, City <br />
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