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MEMORANDUM <br /> September 5, 1998 Page 1 of 2 <br /> To: Hugo City Council <br /> From: Deb Barnes for the Hugo Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission <br /> Re: Commission Meeting of August 25 <br /> Item#1 <br /> The Commission studied Robert Museus'Trail Construction Policy memorandum <br /> dated August 25 and recommends the City Council adopt Policy Option#2, with the <br /> following recommended changes in italics: <br /> Option#2 <br /> At the time of subdivision or development of any property, the developer <br /> shall, as a minimum, construct a five foot (5')wide concrete sidewalk or ten foot <br /> (10') wide bituminous bike path along one side of all proposed streets which will <br /> carry an average daily traffic count of 500 to 999 vehicles and which cross or are <br /> adjacent to the property being subdivided or developed. All proposed collector <br /> streets shall, at a minimum, have a five foot (5') wide concrete sidewalk or ten foot <br /> (10') wide bituminous bike path along one side regardless of average daily traffic <br /> count. <br /> The developer shall construct a five foot (5') wide concrete sidewalk or ten foot (10') <br /> wide bituminous bike path along both sides of all proposed streets which will carry <br /> an average daily traffic count of 1,000 vehicles or more and which cross or are <br /> adjacent to the property being subdivided or developed. <br /> Where adequate alternative pedestrian paths are available the City may waive the <br /> requirement for a sidewalk or a bike path along any street. Where environmental <br /> constraints are present such that a ten foot (10') bike path width may not be in the <br /> City's best interest, the City may consider a narrower width, but not less than six feet <br /> (6). <br /> Where the City's master park plan calls for a trail or sidewalk along, or across, any <br /> development, and the other provisions of this section do not require its construction, <br /> the City may (1) obtain the easement and construct the trail or sidewalk, or (2) <br /> reimburse the developer for construction of the trail or sidewalk through a reduced <br /> park land dedication fee or other means. <br />