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Minutes of Parks Commission Meeting September 29, 1998 <br /> 1. All present except for Sydney Harrison. <br /> 2. Preparations for Lions Park playground equipment will be scheduled by Pete <br /> Pederson - he will let us know how we can help. Some purchases need to be made <br /> now, the Lions Club may be willing to buy some of the preparation materials. <br /> Playground equipment installment dates - October 24 and November 14. <br /> Perhaps some organization could serve refreshments to the workers. Schedule to <br /> follow. A sign has been ordered for the park. No one should be allowed to play at the <br /> park until all equipment has been installed. Celebration ceremony could be during <br /> Good Neighbor Days - June 10, 11, 12 in 1999. Tom Drewry will help schedule the <br /> Lions building and coordinate with Michelle Lindeau at City Hall. <br /> 3. We are still waiting for the information we asked of the city engineer concerning a <br /> cost range in dollars per proposed housing unit for constructing an adjacent ten foot <br /> (10') wide bike trail with City Park funds along proposed developments. A unit price <br /> range per foot of bituminous trail was also requested. <br /> 4. Beaver Ponds needed to have a grading plan and follow through for its park layout, <br /> this was done. Robyn will send us a copy of this site plan. It was decided that we <br /> should have OSM on a contract basis so that a person can attend our meetings, be on <br /> the mailing list of all new proposed developments, and help with park design, <br /> materials, etc. This person should be in communication with all aspects of the city <br /> planning and engineering to help keep us informed and "on top of things". <br /> 5. Dave Gunther, WBL Rec. Dept. will be contacted to invite him to our December <br /> meeting to help us gather information as to different sport needs in Hugo and to let him <br /> know that Withrow School is a possible soccer field for Hugo soccer teams. <br /> 6. Robyn LaCasse will contact the Snowmobile Club and remind them that they need <br /> to have a plan and a map by October 30, 1998 and then mark trails to be able to <br /> snowmobile this winter according to Hugo's ordinance. Robyn will send us all a copy <br /> of the ordinance. We will hold a meeting regarding this on November 5, 1998 at 6:30 <br /> p.m. at the Firstar Bank Community Room. If these conditions are not met, then they <br /> will be out of compliance with the Hugo ordinance and in violation of the law if they <br /> snowmobile on unmarked trails. <br /> We will learn more about trails at our October 27th meeting when we have Washington <br /> Co. and the DNR at our meeting to gather information for our commission. This will <br /> help us with our work on bike, horse, snowmobile and ped. trails. <br /> 7. We are requesting a printout of our budget register as of Sept 30, 1998. <br />