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Ordinance 2013-467 <br />(3)Prepare, and annually update for city council approval, a five-year capital improvement plan <br />for the development of the city's parks and recreation system. <br />(4)Annually prepare and recommend to the city council a parks and recreation capital <br />improvement budget for the following year. <br />(5)Prepare for city council approval, standards for park development to assure the public's safety, <br />provide for adequate service, create a unified and identifiable design for the city's parks, and <br />promote their efficient maintenance and operation. <br />(6)Recommend to the city council necessary, prudent, and desirable rules and regulations for <br />park use to ensure the public's safety, enhance system use, discourage vandalism, maintain cost- <br />effective operations, and to resolve conflicts in park use. <br />(7)Coordinate the development and operation of recreation programs with governmental <br />agencies, civic groups, and other organizations promoting or assisting recreation activities in the <br />community. <br />(8)Communicate the city's parks and recreation goals, plans and programs to the public. <br />(9)Perform such other duties regarding the city's parks and recreation system, as may be <br />requested by the city council from time to time. <br />Sec. 2-197. - Organization and membership. <br />(a)Members appointed. The parks, recreation and open space commission shall consist of seven <br />members, all eligible voters in the city. All members shall be appointed by the mayor with city <br />council approval. Consideration in making appointments shall be given to having one or more <br />residents residing in each ward and school district of the city appointed to the commission, <br />though representation from each such section of the city is not required. <br />(b)Terms of service. All members appointed by the mayor with council approval shall be <br />appointed for staggered three-year terms. <br />(c)Removal from office. Commission members may be removed from office by the city council <br />for: <br />(1)Changing their place of residence to a location outside the corporate boundaries of the <br />city, or otherwise not meeting the requirements for office; <br />(2)Failure to perform their official duties, including not attending called and noticed <br />meetings; <br />(3)Behavior disruptive to the good order and efficiency of the commission; <br />(4)Committing an act of moral turpitude. <br />(d)Vacancies. Appointments made to fill a vacancy on the commission that occurs during a <br />normal term of office shall be made for the balance of the term remaining. <br />(e)Officers. A chairperson and vice -chairperson shall be appointed annually from the <br />membership of the commission by the mayor, with approval of the city council. The commission <br />