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CITY OF HUGO AND TOWN OF MAY <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY, <br />MINNESOTA <br />CITY OF HUGO <br />ORDINANCE 2010-441 <br />MAY TOWNSHIP <br />ORDINANCE 2010-01 <br />AN ORDINANCE DISSOLVING A STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT TAX <br />DISTRICT WITHIN THE MEANING OF MINN. STAT. SECTION 444.16 <br />ET. SEQ. <br />THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF HUGO, WASHINGTON COUN- <br />TY, MINNESOTA AND THE TOWN BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE <br />TOWN OF MAY, WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA, HEREBY OR- <br />DAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />SECTION 1. Purpose. This ordinance is adopted to dissolve a storm <br />sewer, improvement tax district within the meaning of Minn. Stat. Sec - <br />Kion 444.16 at. seq., specifically the "Hugo/May Joint Storm Sewer Im- <br />provement Tax District No. 1, was created by Ordinances of the City of <br />Hugo (Ordinance 96-309) arid Town of May (Ordinance 96-510) on the <br />8th day of April, 1996, and the same has been recorded in the Office of <br />the Washington County Recorder as Document No. 886380. The gov- <br />erning bodies of the City and the Town have determined that there is no <br />further purpose for this storm sewer improvement tax district and that <br />its purposes can be fulfilled by the governing watershed districts and/or <br />the City and Township individually; and <br />WHEREAS, the continued existence of the District creates separate tax- <br />ing authorities and can create difficulty in the subdivision or combination <br />of parcels in the area. <br />SECTION 2. Authority. Minn. Stat. Section 444.21 provides that upon <br />the retirement of all obligations issued to finance improvements within <br />the District, the District may be dissolved by following the procedures <br />for establishment of the Districts set forth in Minn. Stat. Section 444.17. <br />No obligations have been issued to finance improvements within the <br />District. <br />SECTION 3. Description of Land. Pursuant to Minn. Stat. Section <br />444.17 the territory or area included within the Storm Sewer Improve- <br />ment District is described with particularity on the attached Exhibit A. <br />SECTION 4. Joint Powers Agreement. All associated joint powers <br />agreements are hereby cancelled and terminated by agreement of the <br />parties. <br />SECTION 5. Termination of Storm Sewer Improvement Tax District. The <br />"Hugo/May Joint Sewer Improvement Tax District No. 1" is hereby dis- <br />solved and terminated. <br />SECTION 6. Filing. The City Clerk of the City of Hugo and the Town <br />Clerk of the Town of May are hereby directed to file a certified copy <br />of this Ordinance with the County Auditor and separate copy with the <br />County Recorder pursuant to the requirements of Minn. Stat. Section <br />444.17. <br />SECTION 7. Effective Date, This Ordinance shall be in full force and <br />effect from and after its passage and publication according to law. <br />Whereupon said Ordinance was declared passed and adopted by the <br />City of Hugo, Washington County, Minnesota, this 1 st day of February, <br />2010, and whereupon this Ordinance was declared passed and adopt- <br />ed by the Town Board of Supervisors of the Town of May, Washington <br />County, Minnesota, this 4th day of February, 2010. <br />CITY OF HUGO <br />Approve: Fran Miron, Mayor <br />Attest: Michele Lindau, City Clerk <br />TOWN OF MAY <br />Approve: Bill Voedisch, Chairperson <br />Attest: Linda Klein, Town Clerk <br />Published one time in The Citizen on March 17, 2010. <br />