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Ordinance 2010-443 <br />Burning Ordinance <br />Page 3 of 7 <br />(d) Definitions. For purposes of this ordinance, the following definitions shall apply unless <br />the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning: <br />Designated Fire Official. The Fire Chief, Fire Marshal, Deputy Fire Chief, or other designee <br />who provides fire protection or public safety services to the city. <br />Open Burning. The burning of any matter if the resulting combustion products are emitted <br />directly into the atmosphere without passing through a stack, duct or chimney, except a recreational <br />fire as defined herein. Mobile cooking devices such as charcoal grills, wood smokers, manufactured <br />hibachis, and propane or natural gas devices are not considered open burning devices. <br />Recreational fire. A fire set with an approved starter fuel no more than three feet in height <br />contained within a recreational fire site: using dry, clean wood, producing little detectable smoke, odor <br />or soot beyond the property line; conducted with an adult tending the fire at all times; for recreational, <br />ceremonial, or social food preparation; extinguished completely before quitting the occasion; and <br />respecting weather conditions, neighbors, burning bans, and air quality requirements so that nuisance, <br />health or safety hazards will not be created. No more than one recreational fire is allowed on any <br />property at one time. <br />Recreational fire site. An area of no more than a three foot diameter circle (as measured from <br />the inside of the fire ring or border); completely surrounded by non-combustible and non -smoke or <br />odor producing material, either natural rock, cement, brick, tile, blocks or ferrous metal. Burning <br />barrels are not a recreational fire site as defined herein. Recreational fire sites shall not be located <br />closer than 25 feet to any structure or combustible materials. <br />Running fire. An attended fire allowed to spread through surface vegetative matter under <br />controlled conditions for the purpose of vegetative management, forest management, game habitat <br />management, or agricultural improvement. <br />Snow covered. Ground that has a continuous, unbroken cover of snow, to a depth of three <br />inches or more, surrounding the immediate area of the fire, sufficient to keep the fire from spreading. <br />Starter fuels. Dry, untreated, unpainted, kindling, branches or charcoal fire starter. Paraffin <br />candles and alcohols are permitted as starter fuels and as aids to ignition only. Propane gas torches or <br />other clean gas burning devices causing minimal pollution may be used to start an open burn. <br />Vegetative materials. Dry leaves, dry grass clippings, twigs, branches, tree limbs, untreated or <br />unpainted wood that contains no glues or resins, and other similar materials. Paper and cardboard are <br />not considered vegetative materials. <br />Wood. Dry, clean fuels, such twigs, branches, limbs, manufactured fireplace logs, charcoal, <br />cord wood, or untreated dimensional lumber. "Wood" does not include wood that is green with leaves <br />or needles, rotten, wet, oil soaked, or treated with paint, glue or preservatives. Clean pallets may be <br />used for recreational fires when cut into less than three foot lengths. <br />(e) Prohibited burning. No person shall conduct, cause or permit the open burning of: <br />