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CITY OF HUGO <br />SUMMARY ORDINANCE 2010-445 <br />NOTICE: THIS PUBLISHED MATERIAL IS ONLY A SUMMARY OF AN ORDINANCE OF THE CODE OF OR- <br />DINANCES FOR THE CITY OF HUGO. THE FULL TEXT OF THE ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC <br />INSPECTION AT THE HUGO CITY HALL DURING REGULAR BUSINESS HOURS. <br />Title: <br />An ordinance amending Hugo City Code, CHAPTER 82 UTILITIES, to change the name of CHAPTER 82 UTILI- <br />TIES to UTILITIES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY. <br />An ordinance amending Hugo City Code, CHAPTER 82 UTILITIES, to remove Section 90-233 ESSENTIAL PUB- <br />LIC SERVICES Subdivision (a)5 which states: <br />Facilities and equipment shall be removed within six months of their becoming unnecessary. <br />An ordinance amending Hugo City Code, CHAPTER 82 UTILITIES, to add Art. IV, RIGHT-OF-WAY as follows: <br />Summary of ordinance: <br />ARTICLE IV. RIGHT-OF-WAY <br />Sec. 82-300. Election to manage the Public Right -of -Way. <br />Clarifies the intent of the Council to manage the public rights-of-way pursuant to and in accordance with the <br />authority given by the State Legislature in Minn. Stat. Secs. 237.162 and 163. <br />Sec. 82-301. Definitions. <br />Certain words in the ordinance are defined here. This section also incorporates definitions adopted by the Min- <br />nesota Public Utilities Commission in state rules. <br />Sec. 82-302. Registration and Right -of -Way Occupancy and Sec. 82-303. Registration Information. <br />Requires those using and occupying the public rights-of-way to register with the city and provide basic essential <br />information. <br />Sec. 82-304. Reporting Obligations. <br />Defines some minimum reporting obligations for utilities planning to do work in the public rights-of-way, including <br />schedules for anticipated, work. <br />Sec. 82-305. Permit Requirement., Sec. 82-306. Permit Applications., Sec. 82-307. Issuance of Permit; <br />Conditions., Sec. 82-308. Permit Fees. <br />Describes the requirements for obtaining a permit and paying appropriate permit fees before excavating or in <br />anyway obstructing the public rights-of-way. <br />Sec. 82-309. Right -of -Way Patching and Restoration. <br />Contains the requirements for restoring the public rights-of-way after excavation and adopts the restoration stan- <br />dards contained in Minnesota Public Utilities Commission rules. <br />Sec. 82-310. Joint Applications. <br />States that registrants may jointly apply for permits to excavate or obstruct the right-of-way at the same place <br />and time. <br />Sec. 82-311. Supplementary Applications. <br />States that a supplementary application must be made to do work outside the area of the right-of-way specified <br />in the permit or to work on days not specified on the permit. <br />Sec. 82-312. Other Obligations. <br />States other obligations that a permittee must also comply with. <br />Sec. 82-313. Denial of Permit. <br />Specifies the grounds for denying a right-of-way permit. <br />Sec. 82-314. Installation Requirements. <br />Specifies that the installation of utility facilities in the public rights-of-way shall comply with city requirements and <br />applicable rules of the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission. <br />Sec. 82-315. Inspection. <br />States inspection requirements including that when work under any permit is completed, the permittee shall notify <br />the Director of completion, that the site must be made available for inspection and the authority of the Director. <br />Sec. 82-316. Work Done Without a Permit. <br />States requirements for work done without a permit in both emergency and non -emergency situations. <br />Sec. 82-317. Supplementary Notification. <br />If the obstruction or excavation of the right-of-way begins later or ends sooner than the date given on the permit, <br />permittee shall notify the city of the accurate information as soon as this information is known. <br />