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Ordinance 2010-445 <br />Right -of -Way <br />Sec. 82-306. Permit Applications. <br />Application for a permit is made to the city. Right-of-way permit applications shall contain, and <br />will be considered complete only upon compliance with, the requirements of the following <br />provisions: <br />(a) Registration with the city pursuant to this article; <br />(b) Submission of a completed permit application form, including all required attachments, <br />and scaled drawings showing the location and area of the proposed project and the location of all <br />known existing and proposed facilities. <br />(c) Payment of money due the city for: <br />(1) permit fees, estimated restoration costs and other management costs; <br />(2) prior obstructions or excavations; <br />(3) any undisputed loss, damage, or expense suffered by the city because of applicant's prior <br />excavations or obstructions of the rights-of-way or any emergency actions taken by the <br />city. <br />(4) franchise fees or other charges, if applicable. <br />(d) Payment of disputed amounts due the city by posting security or depositing in an escrow <br />account an amount equal to at least 110% of the amount owing. <br />(e) Posting an additional or larger construction performance bond for additional facilities <br />when applicant requests an excavation permit to install additional facilities and the city deems <br />the existing construction performance bond inadequate under applicable standards. <br />Sec. 82-307. Issuance of Permit; Conditions. <br />(a) Permit Issuance. If the applicant has satisfied the requirements of this article, the city <br />may issue a permit. <br />(b) Conditions. The city may impose reasonable conditions upon the issuance of the permit <br />and the performance of the applicant to protect the health, safety and welfare or when necessary <br />to protect the right-of-way and its current use. <br />Sec. 82-308. Permit Fees. <br />(a) Excavation Permit Fee. The city shall establish an excavation permit fee in an amount <br />sufficient to recover the following costs: <br />(1) the city management costs; <br />