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a. On residential properties less than 5 acres in size the signs shall not exceed 4 <br />square feet in size. <br />b. On agricultural properties and Residential properties of 5 acres or more the signs <br />shall not exceed 12 square feet in size. <br />(12) Signs in an agricultural district used for advertising of products or services <br />permitted in agricultural zoning districts. <br />(13) Manufacturer's identification or logo that is permanently affixed to and is designed <br />as an integral part of a product made by the identified manufacturer. <br />(14) Political signs on private property. The signs may be posted from August 1 in any <br />general election year and removed within 10 days following the general election, <br />and 13 weeks prior to any special election until 10 days following the special <br />election. Signs can be of any number and any size. There shall be approval from the <br />property owner of which the signs are erected prior to display. No sign shall be <br />located in the public right of way. No sign shall cause a sight distance problem. No <br />political signs shall be affixed to utility poles. <br />(15) Garage sale and open house signs no larger than 4 square feet that state that a <br />particular home, commercial, industrial, or public institutional structure will be <br />open for public inspection for a limited number of hours on a specific day. The <br />signs shall only be allowed on the same day of the garage sale or open house and <br />only during the garage sale or open house. <br />(16) Temporary on-site real estate and construction signs are allowed subject to the <br />following regulations: <br />Residential properties less than 5 acres in size: <br />a. One sign per property is allowed per contractor. <br />b. Signs are allowed up to 6 square feet in area and 6 feet maximum height. <br />C. Signs shall be removed upon sale or lease of the property or <br />completion of construction project. <br />d. Signs shall be at least 10 feet from the curb or shoulder of the road. <br />Commercial, Industrial, or Residential properties of 5 acres or more: <br />a. One sign per property is allowed per contractor. <br />b. Signs are allowed up to 32 square feet in area and 8 feet maximum height. <br />C. Signs shall be removed upon sale or lease of the property or <br />completion of construction project. <br />d. Signs shall be at least 10 feet from the curb or shoulder of the road. <br />(g) Prohibited Signs. <br />(1) Internally lit box signs <br />(2) Pylon signs <br />(3) Awning signs <br />