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2009.10.05 ORD 2009-434
City Council
City Council Ordinances
2009 CC Ordinances
2009.10.05 ORD 2009-434
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Last modified
10/26/2017 2:12:00 PM
Creation date
5/11/2015 10:31:23 AM
City Council
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(1) Design and Certification. The structure's design and as -built condition must <br />be certified by a registered professional engineer or architect as being in <br />compliance with the general design standards of the State Building Code and, <br />specifically, that all electrical, heating, ventilation, plumbing and air conditioning <br />equipment and other service facilities must be at or above the regulatory flood <br />protection elevation or be designed to prevent flood water from entering or <br />accumulating within these components during times of flooding. <br />(2) Specific Standards for Above -grade, Enclosed Areas - Above -grade, fully <br />enclosed areas such as crawl spaces or tuck under garages must be designed to <br />internally flood and the design plans must stipulate: <br />(i) A minimum area of openings in the walls where internal flooding is to <br />be used as a flood proofing technique. There shall be a minimum of two <br />openings on at least two sides of the structure and the bottom of all <br />openings shall be no higher than one -foot above grade. The automatic <br />openings shall have a minimum net area of not less than one square inch <br />for every square foot of enclosed area subject to flooding unless a <br />registered professional engineer or architect certifies that a smaller net <br />area would suffice. The automatic openings may be equipped with <br />screens, louvers, valves, or other coverings or devices provided that they <br />permit the automatic entry and exit of flood waters without any form of <br />human intervention; and <br />(ii) That the enclosed area will be designed of flood resistant materials in <br />accordance with the FP -3 or FP -4 classifications in the State Building <br />Code and shall be used solely for building access, parking of vehicles or <br />storage. <br />d. Structures shall be constructed to prevent flotation which may result in damage to <br />other structures and/or restrictions of bridge openings or other narrow sections of <br />watercourses. <br />e. Public services such as gas, electrical, sewer and water supply systems shall be <br />floodproofed in accordance with the State building code, unless situated above the <br />regulatory flood protection elevation. <br />f. Parking lots may be constructed at elevations lower than the regulatory flood <br />protection elevation, provided that for the parking lots to be used by employees or the <br />general public, a flood warning system must be in place and operational. The flood <br />warning system must provide adequate time for evacuation if the area would be <br />inundated to a depth and velocity such that when multiplying the depth (in feet) times the <br />velocity (in feet per second) the product number exceeds 4 upon occurrence of the <br />regional flood. g. Railroad tracks, roads, and bridges shall be elevated to, or above, the <br />regulatory flood protection elevation where failure or interruption of the facility would <br />23 <br />
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