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SUMMARY ORDINANCE 2009-435,436 & 437 <br />NOTICE: THIS PUBLISHED MATERIAL IS ONLY A SUMMARY OF AN ORDINANCE <br />OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES FOR THE CITY OF HUGO. THE FULL TEXT OF THE <br />ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION AT THE HUGO CITY HALL <br />DURING REGULAR BUSINESS HOURS. <br />TITLE: <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 90, ARTICLE II, TO ADD SECTION 90-37.1 <br />INTERIM USE PERMITS AND AMENDING CHAPTER 58 PEDDLERS, SOLICITORS AND <br />TRANSIENT MERCHANTS, ARTICLES I AND II, TO AMEND SECTIONS 58-1 to 58-6 and <br />58-31 to 58-41 AND AMENDING CHAPTER 90, ARTICLE II, TO ADD SECTION 90-37.2 <br />SPECIAL EVENT PERMITS to add the following: <br />SUMMARY OF ORDINANCES: <br />CHAPTER 90 <br />Sec. 90-37.1 Interim use permits. <br />(a) Allows uses under certain conditions that would otherwise not be allowed under the zoning <br />regulations, but because of its temporary nature may be acceptable. Interim use permits <br />establish a framework for the regulation of temporary land uses. <br />(b) States that the City Council may authorize interim uses of property by issuance of Interim <br />Use Permits. Interim uses that are not consistent with the land use designated on the adopted <br />land use plan may be authorized. <br />(c) Outlines standards for an interim use permit since it is temporary in nature. <br />(d) Outlines standards for the application process, which are the same requirements as applying <br />for a conditional use permit. <br />(e) Outlines the procedures for the public hearing process to be forwarded to the Planning <br />Commission. <br />(f) Provides findings in order to recommend approval of an Interim Use Permit; the commission <br />must find that all of the criteria are met. These items include but are not limited to, the use <br />will not delay the permanent development of the site or prevent the orderly development of <br />surrounding sites and the use will not adversely impact implementation of the <br />Comprehensive Plan. <br />(g) Provides provisions that the City Council can impose conditions to the Interim Use Permit. <br />(h) Provides provisions for the basis of denial of the interim use permit if all the criteria under <br />section (f) are not met. <br />